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Resources / JobPostTemplate

Job Post Template


[Job] Name of run - <YYYY-MM-dd> <hh:mm UTC+0>

{YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm (UTC) }

Player count: The number of players required.

Duration: How many hours the game is expected to last.

Communication: What Text/Audio/Video software and Virtual Tabletop will be used. The Runnerhub standards are Roll20 & Skype.

Edition: What Shadowrun edition and sources are being used.

In game location: The location the characters will be playing this Job in.

Game theme: No more than one sentence synopsis of the Job without giving it away to players.

Game type: What behavior is expected of the players (Mirrorshades, pink mohawk, black trenchcoat, etc.)

Threat level: how dangerous the mission is expected. From minimal/milk run to deadly/prime, and everything in between.

Prerequisites: Expectations the GM has for the game, such as patience from the players, knowledgeable of their own role, knowledgeable of most rules, the ability to show up early/on-time, handling of adult themes, a microphone or camera for a game that will use audio and/or video, amongst others.

General Description:

A paragraph or two describing the job that can be written In-game and/or out-of-game. This can take any form you desire, such as the Johnson or a Fixer message. Any specific requests for the reply belong here.

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Page last modified on December 08, 2016, at 04:49 AM