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Rules / Gear
Gear and ItemsPurchasing EquipmentCharacters may purchase gear modifications that increase item availability (e.g. vision enhancements, certain armor enhancements) at any time. Roll the total availability of the item and the modification regardless of whether the character is buying the modification and item together, or buying a modification for an existing item. When buying a single item in bulk, roll availability as normal but use the total price of the purchase when determining anything based on price, such as delivery times. Banned ItemsThe following items are banned, in totality, from use on RunnerHub. They may not be used by players or GMs.
LicensesThe following is a compacted list of licenses for use and what they cover:
Repairing Damaged Gear and ItemsDamaged gear (devices, weapons, armor, drones, vehicles, etc.) can be repaired by a qualified professional or the character themselves. The cost for a repair is generally either a percentage of the item’s base value (excluding modifications), or a flat fee, whichever is lower. When repairing Physical damage to cyberware, costs are only incurred if performing the repairs in the middle of a run. Repairs made pre- or post-run are free. If a character has the appropriate garage to house a vehicle attached to an active lifestyle, that vehicle is repaired instantly at no cost between runs. Drones are counted as vehicles for the purposes of receiving repairs from a Car Garage, and follow the same Body requirements. Additionally, any Vehicle or Drone with a Nanomaintenance System modification (of any rating) may be repaired instantly at no cost between runs. Professional RepairsRepairs performed by a professional are simple and quick in the sense that they only require payment of their fee in nuyen, and a bit of waiting. The professional does not need to make a test to perform the repair, and the repairs are completed in the calculated time – though GMs may adjust the length of time for a repair to be completed if it is performed during a run. Professional repairs do not need to be performed by a contact. Self-RepairPlayer characters may also repair their own gear, if they have the appropriate technical skills and tools. This is cheaper, if not necessarily faster, than having a professional perform the repairs, so in all cases except Matrix damage the cost of the repairs is halved. Self-repairing Matrix damage costs no nuyen, merely time, and otherwise follows the rules on CRB228. The relevant portion is copied below: "If you have a device with Matrix damage, you can repair it with a toolkit, an hour of work, and a
Hardware + Logic [Mental] test. Every hit you get can be used to either remove one box of Matrix damage or cut the time required in half; the first die spent toward time reduces the time to half an hour, the second to 15 minutes, and so on, to a minimum of one Combat Turn (3 seconds). Bricked or not, the device is off-line and unusable during the repair process."
Making repairs is an Extended Test of the relevant technical skill and the relevant attribute, which is generally Logic but can be changed at GM discretion to support “intuitive” repairs (AKA: jury-rigging). Characters may receive modifiers for this test, such as those from the Build/Repair table on CRB145, at GM discretion. If the character fails to repair all damage, they cannot attempt the test again. The character has simply reached the limits of their skill, and the remaining damage will have to be repaired by a professional. Repair Thresholds, Costs, and Intervals Table
Bricked or Destroyed DronesDrones that have been bricked or destroyed can be repaired for twice the normal repair rates: 8%/2k per box for professional repair of Physical damage, 4%/1k per box for professional repair of Matrix damage, 4%/1k per box if self-repairing Physical damage, and free if self-repairing matrix damage. Software present on the drone itself is lost. This is only possible if the drone itself can be recovered after being destroyed/bricked. WeaponsCyber-Implanted Melee WeaponsCyber-Implanted Melee weapons increase Reach by +1 when used in pairs. This does not increase damage and both hands must be free (not holding anything). Characters with Cyberimplant Melee Weapons may benefit from chemical seal if the seal is activated after any weapons are readied. The act of readying cyberimplant melee weapons breaks chemical seal. Cyberguns and Bioweapons cannot be used without breaking chemical seal. Gatling GunsThe Vindicator Mini-Gun, Krime Dwarf/Ork/Troll Triple, and Ares HVAR all count as Gatling Guns. All Gatling Guns require an additional Simple action to ready, representing the time it takes to spin up their barrels. When using Suppressive Fire or Enhanced Suppression, Gatling Guns may opt to either affect one more (adjacent) zone than normal, or apply 1.5x damage to any target that is hit (but not both). Employing either of these options requires the use of 40 rounds of ammunition instead of the usual 20. These rules replace RAW special rules for Gatling Guns. HK Urban SeriesAll weapons belonging to the HK Urban series count as having Ceramic/Plasteel Components Rating 6 and have no slots available for modifications (but may take slotless mods). These rules supersede special modification rules for the HK Urban Combat, Enforcer, Fighter, and Striker. The HK Urban Fighter rules from Street Lethal are in use on the Hub, not the State of the Art ADL rules. Krime Katalog Weapon notes
LasersAll laser weapons have a DV 3 higher than the one listed RAW. Medium/Heavy Machine GunsUsing a M/LMG with a properly deployed bipod, tripod, or weapon mount removes any strength requirement. Military and Future WeaponsWhile these weapons are not available for purchase by characters, they are available for use by GMs as mission focuses. One / Two Handed WeaponsUnless otherwise stated in the weapon description, all pistols (tasers, holdouts, heavy pistols, machine pistols) and SMGs are one handed weapons. Assault rifles, long arms and heavy weapons are two handed weapons. Using a two-handed weapon with one hand incurs a -2 penalty (-1 for trolls). Signature WeaponsDespite the name, “Signature Weapons” (p.183, Hard Targets) are not enough to count as a Signature or Distinctive Style quality on their own. Stun WeaponsWhen turned off or out of charge, Stun weapons use the damage code of the equivalent weapon. Stun Batons use the damage code of Extendable Batons, The Nemesis Arms Maul Stun Staff uses the staff damage code, the Krime Stun Lance uses the Pole Arm damage code(except stun instead of physical), and the Stun-o-net uses the bayonet damage code(except stun instead of physical) Underbarrel WeaponsUnderbarrel Grenade Launchers may take an Airburst Link as a slot-less accessory. Other underbarrel weapons cannot take modifications or accessories. All underbarrel weapons benefit from the following list of modifications if they are present on the main weapon:
Weapon Form FactorModifying a commlink or cyberdeck with a weapon form factor still requires the weapon to be purchased, and all associated availability checks must be made. Specific WeaponsAltmayr Black Moon(Heavy Pistol) Simple and reliable elegance, the Black Moon offers precision and power with plenty of flexibility for aftermarket additions slotted on the accessory rail. The handiwork of engineer and company boss Konrad Altmayr, the Black Moon is well respected in the firearms community.
Upgrades: Electronic Firing, Slide Mount (Top). Altmayr SPX2(Shotgun) With a refresh of the ageing SPX Altmayer in 2074, the SPX2 is emblematic of Altmayr’s weapons portfolio. Its striking appearance has led to some memorable scenes featuring the gun in popular media, most notably yerzed-out by gangsters in the popular trid show “Nullzone”. The SPX2’s novel self-pumping mechanism uses internal servos to mechanically actuate the pump handle, which proves to be as intimidating on the streets as it is in trids shows, and makes the weapon surprisingly reliable.
Special: Uses Heavy Pistol ranges. Due to the short barrel, conceability modifier is +2 instead of +6. Ares Screech Sonic RifleThis weapon has no effect on spirits. Aztechnology Blood Drinker Combat AxeThis weapon's accuracy remains as written; equal to the physical limit of the user and may not be modified through weapon customization. Additionally, this weapon has a reach of 1. Aztechnology StrikerThis weapon may be reloaded and reused. It is disposable in the sense of being cheap, relative to other options. Barrens SpecialVariations on the statline for this gun are at GM discrection, and do not persist beyond the end of a given run. Cavalier FlashMay be prepared as described in its notes using a Simple action. Flame BracerThis weapon uses the Flamethrowers skill. Flametosser ammo is 12F and each round costs ¥10. Glock 51(Machine Pistol) The latest machine pistol released by Glock is well suited to security guards, who appreciate the reliable laser sight and high rate of fire, which ensure even unskilled trainees land a bullet or two on target. A polymer frame keeps weight down and helps make the Glock 51 an affordable choice.
Upgrades: Ceramic/Plasteel Components 2, Laser Sight Glock MP Costodes(SMG) Development of Glock’s first SMG, the Maschinenpistole (“submachine gun”) Custodes, was driven by demands for easily concealable firepower coming from their security service’s protection division. It is available in two versions; the compact Kurz (“short”) model and the concealed Versteckt (“hidden”) model. The MPK has no shoulder stock, keeping it as small as possible, though an attachable folding stock is available as an aftermarket attachment. The MPV comes with a generic-looking briefcase for discreet carrying, with a hidden thumb button that pops the case open in a smooth motion. The briefcase handle is part of the attached sling, made of smart fabric that can be flexible or rigid as needed.
Upgrades: Folding Stock (50€), Gas-Vent 1 System, Ceramic/Plasteel Components 2, Sling. Special (both), Concealability of 0, +2 with the stock. Only 1 RC with the stock off. The stock can be put on or taken off with a complex action. Special (MPV): Includes the stock and briefcase. The case may be opened and the weapon readied all in a simple action. To spot the true nature of the briefcase, anyone rolling perception gets a −6 modifier. Glock-Swarovski Adlerauge (“Eagle Eye”)(Heavy Pistol) Designed specially for the Vienna Urban Brawl team, sponsored by Swarovski, the Eagle Eye provides accurate firepower over open battlefields thanks to its advanced ranging systems and extended barrel.
Upgrades: Long Barrel, Improved Range Finder, Internal Smartgun System Hammerli GeminiThis weapon cannot take additional magazine modifications. HK 223C(SMG) Heckler & Koch have a storied history of re-engineering established weapon systems, and the 223C is the latest example of that craft. Derived from the Colt M22 and M23, the HK 223C features a compact barrel and ergonomic folding stock, losing a little power compared to its parent rifles but making up for it with ease of handling in close quarters combat. Combined with its lightweight construction and modular rail system, the 223C is popular with elite law enforcement units.
Upgrades: Folding Stock, Slide Mount (Top), Slide Mount (Side). Special: Uses Assault Rifle Ammo. HK 82A1The HK 82A1 can fit in anything sized for an Assault Rifle or Shotgun HK DMR 11D(Sniper Rifle) For nearly two decades, the DMR 11D has served as marksman rifle for German and Austrian infantry forces. The design was forged in the fires of the Euro Wars, optimised for reliability across numerous different environments and tactical flexibility. Issued with a quick-detach Zeiss SKX3 scope, the DMR 11D can lay down precise shots at over 1km range while still able to deliver rapid shots at closer ranges.
Upgrades: Bipod, Imaging Scope, Slide Mount (Top). Special: In Burst Fire, Accuracy is 4. Uses Assault Rifle ammo. HK G12A4(Assault Rifle) A modernisation of the G12A3, which was initially developed for the Bundeswehr in the late 2060s, the G12A4 employs a complex electromechanical loading system and gas venting that provides exceptional recoil management. Fully modular and adjustable to the user’s preferences, with an advanced digital sighting system plus high-capacity underbarrel launcher.
Upgrades: Folding Stock, Gas-Vent 2 System, Underbarrel Grenade Launcher, Internal Smartgun System, Foregrip, Imaging Scope, Slide Mount (Top), Slide Mount (Side), Slide Mount (Underbarrel) HK Urban Explorer(SMG) Another in HK’s “Urban” family of firearms, the Urban Enforcer SMG features all the amenities users have come to expect, including extensive non-metallic components, integrated suppressor, and high reliability. Like its cousins it also employs advanced safety systems and offers chem-sealed magazines as an optional extra, but it distinguishes itself with a proprietary micro-grenade launcher that allows it to punch above its modest weight.
Upgrades: Ceramic/Plasteel Components R6, Trigger Removal, Electronic Firing, Silencer, Internal Smartgun System, Advanced Safety System Basic Biometric, Underbarrel Grenade launcher. Special: No available slots for modifications. Magazines are available chemically sealed and impossible to detect with chem sniffers, costing 200¥ (20F), using regular ammo only. Other ammo is available, in unsealed magazines. Caseless ammo only. Only HE-microgrenades (14P, −2, −2/m, 200€, 20F) are available. HK Urban Striker(Sniper Rifle) With its intricately engineered suppressor, smartgun-integrated electronic firing mechanism, and entirely non-metallic frame, the HK Urban Striker remains the flagship model in the Urban series of firearms. Though incapable of accepting aftermarket modifications, much like its smaller counterparts, it is capable of being assembled and disassembled in a matter of seconds - a feature appreciated by many professionals.
Upgrades: Trigger Removal, Electronic Firing, Easy Breakdown (Unpowered), Silencer, Internal Smartgun System, Advanced Safety System Basic Biometric. Special: No available slots for modifications. Magazines are available chemically sealed and impossible to detect with chem sniffers, costing 200¥ (20F), using regular ammo only. Other ammo is available, in unsealed magazines. Caseless ammo only. Hold Fast SprayersHold Fast Sprayers have an accuracy of 2. They are disposable and may not be reloaded. Horizon-Flynn Defense-Com Commlink WeaponsThe availability of these items is Restricted. Additionally, for the sake of clarity, these are not functional commlinks without weapon customizations. Krime ChatterThe Krime Chatter counts as a Machine Pistol. Krime ConfederateThe Krime Confederate counts as an Assault Cannon, and has an availability of 20F. Krime Ditch Combination GunThe Krime Ditch Combination Gun takes a simple action to fold and unfold. It counts as a Sporting Rifle when firing the rifle, and as a Shotgun when firing the shotgun. Krime EscalationThe Krime Escalation counts as a rocket launcher, fires rockets, and includes an R2 Bug Scanner. Krime GlovesThese gloves refill their charge following the same induction rules as standard shock gloves. Krime HeaterThe Krime Heater counts as a Heavy Pistol. Krime KAR-97-HThe Krime KAR-97-H counts as an LMG. Krime MonsterThe Krime Monster counts as an HMG. Krime Saint Nicholas CarbineAn unmodified Krime Saint Nicholas Carbine with the seven-round clip doubles the concealment bonus it receives from any clothing a player is wearing over it. Krime SoldierThe Krime Soldier counts as a Sniper Rifle. Krime Stopper-IIThe Krime Stopper-II counts as a Shotgun. Krime T-Shirt CannonThe Krime T-Shirt Cannon counts as a Assault Cannon, and can only fire T-shirts. Krime Traditionhe Krime Tradition counts as an SMG. Krime Varmint Stocked PistolThe Krime Varmint Stocked Pistol counts as a Heavy Pistol, and comes with folding stock. Krime VesterThe Krime Vester counts as a Holdout Pistol. Lemat 2072Firing the shotgun barrel uses the Pistols skill. M79B1 LAWThis weapon is rendered inoperable after being fired, and may not be reloaded. This weapon must be purchased alongside a single AV rocket or missile at normal cost, though the purchaser only needs to roll for the launcher availability (i.e. 9F). A maximum of one M79B1 LAW may be purchased at character generation. Microwave gunThis weapon uses the Directed Energy Weapons skill, and is priced at 10,000¥. The Microwave Gun's low frequency setting setting only deals Matrix damage, not Physical damage. Morrisey AltaThis pistol's availability code is Restricted instead of Forbidden. Nemesis Arms PraetorianAs the only Pistol in the game that can have a bayonet, it has a Reach stat of "-" rather than the normal "2" that is attributed to Bayonets. Onotari Arms HL-13Following the pattern of the XM30, configurations may be changed using an "automatics + logic [mental]" (5, 1 minute) extended test. Onotari Arms Pressure KS-X(Shotgun) Comparable in size to a typical SMG, Onotari Arms designed the KS-X from the ground up as a tactical CQB weapon. Its modular top-mounted rail allows operators to quickly adapt to mission requirements and a proprietary snap-on suppressor (available separately) affords users the element of surprise when they need it most.
Upgrades: Folding Stock, Laser Sight, Slide Mount (Top). Optional: Silencer, 900¥, 14F Special Conceability +2 (with folded stock and no silencer). No underbarrel modifications. Onotari Arms S-3KMay be prepared as described in its notes using a Simple action. PainadeThis weapon uses the following statline:
Toxin resistance dice pool bonuses from Nephritic Screens and other such ‘ware does not grant a benefit to resisting the Painade. PitchforkDoes not have the Fire damage type. PJSS Model 75(Shotgun) With its handcrafted rootwood body, hypoallergenic mushroom leather, and harmonically stabilised barrel, the PJSS model 75 artfully merges modern engineering techniques with the classic elegance for which the manufacturer is known. The base model 75 has a pair of barrels in over-under configuration. The more exotic 75-III features side-by-side shotgun barrels and a high-calibre rifle barrel underneath, aimed at hunters who desire a choice of munitions when sporting.
Upgrades: Shock Pad. Special: The base model is a double barrel shotgun with two triggers. Firing both barrels at once counts as a short burst (cf. “Not Enough Bullets”, SR5 p180). The Model 75-III has a rifle barrel and two shotgun barrels. Firing all three barrels counts as a burst, using the shotgun base stats. The rifle barrel uses sporting rifle ranges when fired alone. Either way, short burst or burst fire is only possible if the same ammo is loaded in all barrels. Ranger Arms SniperFollowing the pattern of the XM30, assembly of this weapon requires a Renraku Red Samurai KatanaNot available to player characters, reflecting their Availability of "N/A". Repeating LaserThis weapon has a price of 27,000¥ Ruhrmetall SMK 252(Assault Cannon) The “storm machine cannon” model 252 was initially designed as a man-portable anti-tank weapon for use in the dragon civil war, but has served all over the world since then. The shoulder-fired system is relatively comfortable considering the weight, at least for those with enough muscle to wield it, and its 25mm rounds are capable of delivering serious punishment far downrange.
Upgrades: Extended Clip 1, Long Barrel, Imaging Scope, Foregrip, Bipod. Special: Extended Barrel and Extended Clip 1 cannot be removed. Extended Clip 2 only increases ammo capacity by 50%. Can only use either the foregrip (mobile, RC 1) or the bipod (stationary, RC 2) at any time, not both. Shiawase Arms SimoomThis weapon works as a two-part set of forearm guards for both arms. Therefore, it’s not possible to use two shooting barrel forearm guards at the same time. Steyr AUG-CSL III(Weapons System) With more than a century of heritage behind it, the AUG-CSL III from Steyr-Mannlicher refines a classic without upsetting the winning formula. Slim yet robust, the AUG-CSL III looks much as it has for many decades, but offers a range of quality-of-life improvements that long-time users will appreciate. Notable among these is its quick-change barrel system, which enables the CSL III to operate as an entire modular weapon system, swapping out barrels and magazines efficiently depending on current tactical needs.
Upgrades: Laser Sight, Foregrip (AR/Carbine only), Imaging Scope, Bipod (LMG/Sniper only). Special: No additional underbarrel modifications. The different types all use their respective ranges and concealability modifiers. Uses Assault Rifle ammo. Changing between modes takes an extended test Armorer + AGI [Physical] (5, 1 combat turn). Steyr UCR(Assault Rifle) The AUG-CSL has seen widespread military service, yet some operators found the various components to be cumbersome and unnecessary. Responding to this criticism, Steyr-Mannlicher released the UCR - a flexible single-package rifle suited to urban combat. The mid-power rifle provides precision and suppressing fire, while the underbarrel shotgun offers close-combat and breaching options.
Upgrades: Laser Sight, Shock Pad. Special: The underbarrel shotgun values are given for slugs. Shots use normal shotgun, choke and flechette rules. Stinger Pen GunThis has recoil compensation "-", not that it matters. Stoner-Ares M-22A1 Vehicle Mounted Heavy Machine GunThis weapon (Street Lethal, p130) is not used on RunnerHub. This includes usage by PCs as well as NPCs. See: Banned Items Terracotta Arms AM-47The AM-47 comes with an integral safe target system in addition to the integral commlink. Ultimax Rainforest CarbineThe stats for this gun read as follows:
Walther P118(Machine Pistol) Officially a successor to the venerable P108, the P118 is actually a completely new design. Using caseless rounds and an advanced electronic ignition system, combined with a triggerless action and proprietary biometric safety system, the P118 is impossible for unauthorised users to fire. This fact, alongside its solid reliability and ergonomics, has made it a favourite for security operators working with a generous budget.
Upgrades: Trigger Removal, Electronic Firing, Advanced Safety System Basic, Gas-Vent 2 System, Internal Smartgun System, Safe Target System Base Biometric, Extended Clip. Special: If upgraded with an extended clip 2, clip size increases by 50% only. Caseless ammo only. Walther Secura II(Heavy Pistol) For 35 years the Walther Secura served as the most widely used firearm among European security services, until the release of the Secura II. Featuring Walther’s typical high standard of craftsmanship (plus high price tag) and with a range of new features, the Secura II is becoming increasingly popular worldwide.
Upgrades: Upgrades: Internal Smartgun, Flashlight (Standard). Walther Secura Superkompact(Holdout Pistol) The latest in a line of concealable firearms manufactured by Walther, the Secura Superkompact is designed for undercover security and law enforcement agents who need to pack a punch. Its extensive use of advanced ceramic components make it expensive compared to competitors, but help the pistol go undetected.
Upgrades: Ceramic/Plasteel Components Rating 4 Special: Uses Heavy Pistol Ammo Yo-YoDetecting weaponized yo-yos uses the same rules as instruments of death. Weapon ModificationsEach category of weapon has a certain subsets of slots they can fill with aftermarket modifications by default. Almost every weapon can take a grip modification - either a Personalized Grip or a Gecko Grip - which provides the appropriate benefits any time the weapon is held in a grasping appendage. In all cases, a firearm can only take a single aftermarket modification in each available slot, along with any number of slotless modifications. Aftermarket modifications are any that are not 'integral', which refers to any modifications that come with the firearm by default. Per RAW, 'integral' modifications do not use any slots, leaving you free to add a Long Barrel to your Ingram Smartgun X aftermarket. Any single, specific weapons that are stated, by RAW, to be unable to take any modifications (or accessories) will be treated as having no slots. Any single, specific weapon that is stated to be unable to take a certain slot of modification is unable to do so even if the below list indicates that it would be able to. You can, however, still add any slotless accessories or modifications to them. Beyond those exceptions, see the below list. Melee and ThrownMelee and thrown weapons (except for grenades) may not take any modifications except for a grip modification, "Custom Look", "Overclocked", "Tracker", "Weapon Commlink", " Chameleon Coating", and "Weapon Personality." They can make use of holsters, if the weapon is appropriately sized. Grenades may not take any weapon modifications. TasersTasers have access to the Top, Side, and Internal slots by default. They are one handed. HoldoutsHoldouts cannot take any modifications that require slots. They are one handed. PistolsLight, Heavy, and Machine Pistols have access to Top, Side, Barrel, and Internal slots by default. They are one handed. Submachine GunsSMGs have access to the Top, Side, Barrel, Stock, and Internal slots by default. They are one handed. Carbines, ARs, Sporting Rifles, Snipers, Shotguns, MGsCarbines, Assault Rifles, Sporting Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, and all categories of Machine Guns have access to all slots by default. They are two handed. ACs and LaunchersAssault Cannons, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers, and Missile Launchers have access to the Top, Side, Underbarrel, Stock, and Internal slots by default. They are two handed. CrossbowsLight, Medium, and Heavy crossbows have access to the Top, Side, Stock, and Internal slots. They cannot take Electronic Firing. They are two handed. The Ranger Sliver Pistol Crossbow has access to the Top, Side, and Internal slots. It cannot take Electronic Firing. The Ranger Sliver Pistol Crossbow is one handed, and has a concealability modifier of +0. BowsBows, including the Krime Trollbow and the Dynamic Tension Bow, are obligate two handed weapons. They cannot be fired in one hand by taking a penalty. The Krime Trollbow and Dynamic Tension Bow as well as Compound Bows can take an Internal Smartgun System and a grip modification, as well as laser sights. Traditional bows can take a grip modification, laser sights, and their own special breakdown system detailed on Hard Targets P197. The Winchester AirbowThe Winchester Airbow has the same slots as detailed in RAW. It is two handed and has a concealability of +6. PEPSThe Narcoject PEP has the same slots as detailed in RAW. It is one handed and has a concealability of +0. Excluded Individual Ranged WeaponsThe following weapons cannot take any modifications except for grips.
Pistol-sized Individual Ranged WeaponsThe following weapons have access to the Top, Side, and Internal slots by default. They are one-handed and count as pistol sized with a concealability of +0. They cannot take Electronic Firing.
Submachine Gun-sized Individual Ranged WeaponsThe following weapons have access to the Top, Side, Stock, and Internal slots by default. They are one-handed and count as SMG sized with a concealability of +4. They cannot take Electronic Firing.
Assault Rifle-sized Individual Ranged WeaponsThe following weapons have access to the Top, Side, Underbarrel, Stock, and Internal slots by default. They are two handed and count as assault rifle sized with a concealability of +6. They cannot take Electronic Firing.
Sniper-sized Individual Ranged WeaponsThe following weapons have access to the Top, Side, Underbarrel, Stock, and Internal slots by default. They are two handed and count as rifle-sized with a concealability of +8. Unless otherwise indicated, they cannot take Electronic Firing.
FlamethrowersThe following weapons have access to the Top, Side, and Underbarrel slots by default. They are two handed and count as rifle-sized with a concealability of +8.
Melee weaponsThe following melee weapons are one handed:
The following melee weapons are two handed:
Specific Weapon ModificationsAmmo Skip systemThe Ammo Skip System takes only an internal slot. Electronic FiringThis modification occupies the Internal slot. Explosive ClipThe available grenade types for this modification are HE, Frag and Flashbang. The detonation of an explosive clip is not strong enough to cause cascading shockwaves. Ignore the rules for Blasts in a Confined Space (aka ‘Chunky Salsa’, p.183, SR5) when using this modification. Extended ClipExtended clip can be put on a weapon with a clip (c), drum (d), or belt (belt) weapons. It does not function on internal magazines (m), cylinders (cy), break action (b), muzzle loaders (ml) and cap & ball (cb). Extreme Environment ModificationServicing the weapon every 100 rounds is not required on the Hub. Gas Vent / Silencer CompatibilityGas vent and Silencers cannot be combined as aftermarket modifications, since they both use the barrel modification slot. The exception to this is when a weapon comes with an integral version of either modification. Long BarrelThe long barrel modification takes up no slots and may therefore be combined with additional aftermarket barrel modifications. The long barrel can only be added to a weapon that can take barrel modifications, and cannot be combined with short barrel/sawed off. Shotgun SuppressorsShotguns may be modified with Suppressors. SlingIgnore the Sling entry in the table on p53 Run & Gun. Slings provide no recoil reduction and may be used freely with other modifications. Stun-o-NetThis weapon modification may be used as a Stun Baton when detached from a firearm, with a Reach stat of 0. Attacks with this weapon use the Clubs skill both when attached and detached. Underbarrel Grenade LauncherThe stats for this gun read as follows:
This weapon may take an Airburst Link as a slot-less accessory. See . Bipods & TripodsCharacters are required to take a Drop Prone action before deploying to benefit from either a Bipod or Tripod. It is a Complex Action to deploy a Tripod without the Wireless Bonus. AmmunitionAres S-III Super SquirtDMSO Rounds for this weapon have an availability of 2R, and cost 20ny for 10 rounds. Each pack can be loaded with one dose of toxin, purchased separately. Assault CannonRegular, Anti-Vehicle, and High Explosive ammo types are available for assault cannons per the table below. All Assault Cannon ammo types are compatible with Extreme Intimidation and Up the Ante called shots, but no other ammo-specific called shots.
Ares Thunderstruck Gauss Rifle ammo has the cost and availability of Regular Assault Cannon ammo, but has the AP value of Anti-Vehicle. This is the only ammo type that the Gauss Rifle may use and is not compatible with other Assault Cannons. ArrowsThe rating of all arrows is capped at 12. Depleted Uranium RoundsDU rounds cannot be utilized with Called Shots specific to other types of ammunition, such as Bullseye Double-Tap/Burst. Remember that carrying DU rounds without proper authorization and legal status is a crime, and that sensor suites can detect them easily due to the fact that they are radioactive. Gyrojet AmmoThe Gyrojet ammo listed in the Run and Gun errata should be labelled "Gyrojet Taser" For the missing Gyrojet Ammunition use the following stats:
Hand LoadsHand loads are not used on RunnerHub. Illegal AmmoIf a character purchases at character generation a weapon for which no ammo exists that is availability 12 or less, the character may ignore the availability to purchase the minimum amount necessary to fill a single weapon of each type, regardless of how many such weapons are purchased. In addition to enough ammunition to fill the weapon, a character may purchase the following; one power clip for the Ares Redline, Armatus, Underbarrel Laser, Screech Rifle, or Ares Thunderstruck, two power clips for the Lancer and Narcoject PEP, one power satchel for the Ares Archon, and one unit of fuel for the Vulcan Systems "Hotdrop" Rapid-Egress Jetpack System. Looper RoundsLooper Rounds will use the Subsonic Ammunition modifiers for perception; -1 on all perception tests to locate default or -2 when used from a suppressor. Zapper RoundsThis ammunition type is not used on RunnerHub. This includes usage by PCs as well as NPCs. See: Banned Items Upgrading Weapon and AmmunitionWeapons and ammunition with a rating may be upgraded to a higher rating by rolling the new availability and paying the difference in price. GrenadesPlease note on your character’s sheet what the default setting is for their grenades. If this is neither noted nor stated prior to use, they are assumed to be unarmed and must be set as a Simple Action. Grenades do not halve the armor value of someone holding them if they are prematurely detonated, a vehicle they hit, etc. Grenades only use the Demolitions rules for Explosives (p. 436, CRB) if they are deliberately placed on a surface in order to increase their penetration by someone trained in Demolitions. Cancellation of Service GrenadesAs per their fluff text, these have a radius of 5 meters. Douser GrenadesThe effect listed from having a FW of 0 is unique to this grenade Dumdum GrenadesDum Dum Grenades are not used on RunnerHub. See: Banned Items ArmorChameleon SuitRPC can be applied to this armor as a modification. The RPC bonus is gained in addition to the native bonus of this armor. CloakA regular Cloak (not Ruthenium Polymer Cloak) can accept the Chemical Protection, Fire Resistance, Insulation, Nonconductivity, Radiation Shielding, Thermal Dampening, AR Fashion, Concealed Pocket, Biofiber Pocket, Faraday Pocket, Grey Mana, Pulse Weave, Universal Mirror Material, YNT Softweave, Shock Frills, and Voidblack Coating armor modifications. It can have a maximum capacity for armor modifications of 6. Each point of capacity costs 100¥ plus the cost of the modification itself. ColdsuitThe Coldsuit's penalty only effects physical actions. As a guideline is anything with a limit of [Physical] or [Accuracy] though GMs are free to apply the penalty as appropriate E’lyzee ElioComing up with the Elio collection, the up and coming E’lyzee line goes far beyond the usual Pomorya fare. Whether it’s for nightclubs or galas, the Elio Tha’il will only stand out in a good way. The strapless, custom fit dress is in trendy turquoise or beautiful baby blue and is supplemented with a semi-transparent ballistic-lined cape. For the more masculine side of things, the dark blue and yellow accents for the Elio Bra’s perfectly frames just about any body type. Instead of dress pants, an ankle-length, wrinkle-free skirt is just as fashionable, and the cloak is of similar length along with a medieval-style hood.
Franzinger Fashion TenorWhen the dress code requires the best, the Tenor series from Franzinger Fashion should be your first choice. This label from Munich provides the perfect blend of fashion chic and timeless elegance. The tailcoat is an essential accessory for high society festivities from Vienna to Munich and Dresden. With high angles of protection, you’ll not only swim with the upper-crust sharks, but ahead of other predators when there’s blood in the water. The coat is up-armored and can be fitted to provide additional protection from other factors such as flames or chemical attack.
Hardened Mil-Spec Battle ArmorThis armor (p.66, Run & Gun) is not used on RunnerHub. This includes usage by PCs as well as NPCs. See: Banned Items PPP Armor Add-OnsFor the purposes of PPP gear, any gear that can be chemically sealed counts as Full Body Armor. Rheingold Pro Tec PlusSecure business attire wears many faces, and the Rheingold Pro Tec Plus series is one of the more subtle. Ever-present yet unobtrusive, the Pro Tech Plus business suit blends in no matter the occasion should “understated”, and “restraint” be the required themes. A microtransceiver woven inside makes this the go-to suit for associates of managers and celebrities, bodyguards and adjutants. The optional lined coat provides additional protection, and allows discrete carrying of weapons through the specially designed contours and inner straps. The cuts are unisex and form fitting, perfect for female employees as well.
Snake Mesh SocksSnake Mesh Socks do not provide a permanent armor bonus, only +2 Armor against attacks that specifically target the feet or lower legs. They also do not count towards encumbrance. StattKrieg Aufmarsh 79It’s war once again! Show the Urban Brawl opposition that only real fans rule the streets and wear the StattKrieg Aufmarsh 79 series. Display yourself in your favorite team’s colors, in the dark and in AR! AGC LabRats, Berlin Cybears, Hamburg Rams, all of their jackets, vests, helmets and overalls are available through this premium line. Also available are over twenty camouflage patterns from signal neon-orange, to brand new black-and-white digital camo. With StattKrieg Aufmarsh 79, you don’t get cheap imitations, you get real armor. When you step up for a fight, you’re set to leave the field as a winner!
Urban Explorer Daedalus and HelmetThe stats given in Street Lethal are replaced by those from 'unofficial errata', and repeated here.
Armor ModificationsAR FashionThe subscription services are tiered, that is, having the designer level service also includes clothes from the previous three levels. For simplicity, the threshold to make a piece of AR clothing is based on the availability of the tier of clothes you want to make unless the GM rules otherwise. Armor Add-onsLegal for use on RunnerHub. Use common sense and don’t make RD, CCD, or a GM swat you for misusing them. Chemical SealChemical Seal is available on any body armor that has a matching, dedicated helmet. For armors other than Full Body Armor, only the Chemical Seal listed on CRB 438 that takes 6 capacity is available. Distributed DeckCharacters do not need Electronic Part Packs to repair these devices when they take Physical damage. Instead, characters need ten percent of the original base cost of the deck per box of damage. Gel PacksThis armor customization can only be added to full armor pieces (e.g. armored jacket, armor vest, Berwick suit, etc.) but not armor add-ons and accessories (e.g. helmets, masks, forearm guards, etc.). Gel Packs count as an armor stack, and thus add to encumbrance. Shock FrillsShock Frills do YNT SoftweaveThis armor customization can only be added to full armor pieces (e.g. armored jacket, armor vest, Berwick suit, etc.) but not armor add-ons and accessories (e.g. helmets, masks, forearm guards, etc.). Universal Mirror MaterialAny matrix action that targets something on the other side of the material takes a Rating x 2 noise penalty. Upgrading Cyberdecks / RCCs / TacNetsIt is possible to upgrade a cyberdeck, RCC, or TacNet to the equivalent of a better (more expensive) model. To do so, characters must succeed on a standard Availability roll for the device they are upgrading to, then pay the price difference between the new and old device. It’s also possible to downgrade a device, though characters who do so won’t get anything back and still need to succeed at a standard Availability roll for the new device. Delivery times are the same as buying a brand-new version of the new device. General GearAres FlaShieldMay be used as a weapon with the same stats as the Riot Shield, and requires the Shields exotic weapon specialization in the Clubs skill. AltskinWhen all six areas of the body (Face, Torso, and Limbs) have Altskin applied, the user is completely immune to contact vector toxins for the duration. Anything less than full coverage provides situational immunity or a dicepool bonus to resistance as per Chrome Flesh, page 152. Crazy-RepellerThe Crazy-Repeller is banned from use on RunnerHub. EVO/Yamatetsu Naval Technologies Rampart Portable Ballistic EmplacementThe Yamatetsu Naval Technologies Rampart Portable Ballistic Emplacement does not have hardened armor. When deployed, the Yamatetsu Naval Technologies Rampart Portable Ballistic Emplacement has Structure and Barrier ratings of 10 and 10. FacelessGeneric Face versions of this item may function as basic Faceless, and Specific Face versions may function as a Generic Face or Basic Faceless. The Specific Face displayed may be changed with 10 minutes of work by anyone with ranks in Computer or Software. As a simple reminder to GMs, feel free to only have narratively important devices roll against Faceless. This is not a rule, just a helpful reminder. Fire Extinguishers
Can be used for basic, chemical and grease fires. Lockpick SetLockpick Sets are required to use the Locksmithing skill to open locks, including maglocks. A Locksmithing Toolkit is not required to open maglocks. MADARWhile this item is not available for purchase by characters, it is available for use by GMs as part of a mission. Magnetic BootsMagnetic Boots may be activated and deactivated using a simple action (free action wireless). MedkitsWhen an autonomous medkit rolls Rating x 2 to heal, treat it as if it had First Aid skill equal to it's rating. Musical InstrumentsThe musical instrument rules from No Future are not in use on the Hub. MonaLisaMonaLisa provides a bonus to Computer + Intuition tests, as with any other Matrix Search, not Computer + Logic. Multiprogram Operating System (MOS)This item does not stack with the Datajack Plus and is limited to running Common and Hacking Cyberprograms. This excludes agent programs from running on the device. NanospyNanospy nanites cannot be detected by sight normally. They may be detected with a Threshold 3 Perception or Electronic Warfare test using a Nanoscanner sensor. Nixdorf SekretarThe agent that comes preloaded on Nixdorf Sekretars can only access the Computer skill. Pantheon Industries Hard Case CCOBDrones in the micro drone racks of a CCOB are considered inactive until removed or launched. The Pantheon CCOB comes with the same holster that the generic CCOB does. ParachutesParachutes are available for purchase with the following rules and prices: All parachutes include an electronic altimeter, providing information on altitude and velocity, which may be broadcast wirelessly if the user chooses. The altimeter has a failsafe mechanism, which automatically deploys the main parachute if altitude is critically low given the user’s current speed. This failsafe may be bypassed with a T3 Hardware test. All parachutes also feature a reserve chute, which is activated manually if the main chute fails. Basic Parachute (500¥, avail. 6) A typical parasail design, which allows some control over flight. HALO Parachute (2,000¥, avail. 8) Designed for slowing users down from high velocities during High-Altitude Low-Opening paradrops. These chutes are stronger and offer better gliding capabilities compared to cheaper models. Each parachute includes a face mask with a small air tank (1 hour supply) to maintain the user’s Oxygen supply in the thin air found at high altitudes. Portable Chemical InjectorsUse the following stats for the portable chemical injectors (p.176, Chrome Flesh):
Press PassThese are tied to a SIN. How far they will get a character and how closely that character will be watched is entirely up to GM fiat. Self-Destruct Odd ModA self-destruct module may be installed in any item with a Device Rating, or enough electronics that it can be assumed to have one, so long as the item is larger than a minigrenade. The module must be integrated into the device it is installed in, and thus under the control of the device's owner. Any device that could reasonably survive the detonation of a fragmentation grenade, such as a vehicle, soaks the damage instead of simply vanishing. Devices that physically survive the detonation are still rendered inoperable until repaired, regardless of the amount of damage soaked. SensorsRadarRadar sensors are widely used on military installations, planes, and ships. They function by sending our radio waves and detecting the reflected energy bouncing off objects in the environment. The resolution of radar is poor, so fine detail cannot be discerned, but it can accurately determine the position and velocity of objects beyond visual range. Radar does not suffer Visibility modifiers (except as noted below). The radar sensor function may be installed on vehicles, drones of Large or Huge size, and wall- or building-mounted sensor housings. It costs 200 nuyen per level of Rating, with availability 8. It is distinct from the radar sensor cyberware implant, which maintains the rules found in Chrome Flesh and is only available as an implant. Avoiding detection by radar is best accomplished by hiding amongst cluttered environments, using a Sneaking test opposed by Perception or Electronic Warfare. Radar is affected by Signature Masking and is vulnerable to jamming from vehicle or drone-mounted Electronic Counter-Measures, taking a dice pool penalty equal to the ECM rating, though noise generated by an ECM is likely to alert the radar operator to the presence of something suspicious in the general vicinity. Similarly, vehicle and drone-mounted smoke launchers contain chaff that can blind radar sensors (using usual smoke Visibility penalties) but will be obvious to the observer. UltrasoundIn addition to their normal capabilities, ultrasound sensors installed in vehicles and drones that are capable of aquatic operation may be used as sonar when on or under the surface of water. Sonar functions in passive and active modes. Active sonar emits pulses of sound and listens for returns, providing information on the range, size, and bearing of objects out to several kilometres’ range. Passive sonar only listens for sound waves that arrive at the vehicle, enabling the detection of anything that produces noise, such as vehicle engines, large marine animals, and sonar sensors running in active mode. Sonar does not suffer from Visibility modifiers, but it is affected by Silence and Stealth spells, incurring a -1 dice pool penalty for every hit generated on the Spellcasting test. Sonar is also affected by the Signature Masking vehicle modification. Shaman TuxedosShaman Tuxedo may be purchased for any spirit type the character can summon. SIN ScannersSIN scanners have a limit equal to the scanner's rating. Skillsofts, Knowsofts, and LinguasoftsSkillsofts, Knowsofts, Lingusofts, and any other program with a rating may be upgraded as per the Hub's upgrade rules. Spirit TuxedoThe conjurer receives one service upon a successful summoning, and the conjurer must continue wearing the outfit in order to command the spirit and to benefit from its services. If the conjurer removes the outfit, the spirit gets upset and will not perform any further services until the conjurer puts the outfit back on and issues a new command. Synthskin MasksSynthskin Masks provide a maximum dice pool bonus equal to their Rating, so edge or other effects that increase limit do not increase the bonus. Synthskin Masks may be purchased pre-set with a famous or generic face, granting their rating as dice pool bonus. Pre-set faces cannot be reprogrammed, their cost and availability is identical to programmable faces. Tailored Perfume/CologneTailored Perfumes and Colognes stack with either Tailored Pheromones or Genemarked Pheromones, whichever is applicable. Vulcan Systems "Hotdrop" Rapid-Egress Jetpack SystemWhile wearing the Vulcan Systems "Hotdrop" Rapid-Egress Jetpack System, you may spend a complex action to move up to 50 meters in any direction, as long as you are attempting to both launch from and land on solid ground. Make a Gymnastics + Body [Physical] (3) test, and scatter from your intended target (3-hits)d6 meters. Direction is determined as usual. This action does not use up any of your own movement speed. Additionally, it may be used as a free action to arrest a fall of greater than 25m, negating all falling damage. You must be aware of your impending impact. In either case, you may only spend a single action to fire the Vulcan Systems "Hotdrop" Rapid-Egress Jetpack System per combat turn, and may not "combine" actions. You may move, or arrest your fall, not both. Using it as a complex action takes on point of fuel, while using it as a free action takes two point. It has twenty points of fuel. Refueling it takes one uninterrupted minute to swap out the propane-tank sized fuel tank, but doesn't require you to remove the Vulcan Systems "Hotdrop" Rapid-Egress Jetpack System. It cannot be used while encumbered, has no wireless functionality, and is extremely loud and bright in use. Subtlety is not an option. On a glitch to activate the jetpack, the jetpack will fire, but the harness will fail, causing your jetpack to go flying without you. Hope you didn't need that. On a critical glitch to activate the jetpack, the GM should roll scatter (or choose a direction.) You move 50 meters in that direction at a great rate of knots. If you strike something that would stop you, take physical damage equal to the distance remaining to be traveled at AP-4. If you do not strike anything, you end up prone, but unhurt. The Vulcan Systems "Hotdrop" Rapid-Egress Jetpack System shall cost 50,000 nuyen, and have an availability of 18F. Refuels shall cost 250 nuyen, and have an availability of 16F. Yerz KitIt's a toolkit for self-installing the Yerzed Out mod from Rigger 5. Characters still pay the full price of the modification. Programmable ASIST Biofeedback MachinesProgrammable ASIST Biofeedback Machines are available for purchase with the following availability and prices from Unwired:
PI-TACsMercury Alpha Signal BoosterAs a clarification, the passive mode provides 4 noise reduction. PI-TAC AccessoriesThe Hardcase and Signal Booster accessories, as well as their variants, may be used without a PI-TAC. Shield-Wall PI-TAC ProgramProvides a +3 bonus to the Firewall of any linked devices that would use the Firewall stat. Surplus PI-TACsThe maximum discount allowed on the hub is 50%, and replacement parts cost 5% of the normal price per part. Disguising GearGear can be disguised as something similar for 25% of the base cost. This incurs a -2 penalty against tests to see through the disguise and identify the actual item. If the item is examined for an extended amount of time (more than 10 seconds), this advantage is lost. Alchemical and Magic ItemsAlchemical ToolsAtomizerThis tool requires the Spray Guns skill to be used offensively. Vault of AgesThis tool can be filled in downtime but cannot use Edge on downtime rolls. The reference to “Magic of Creator” is to be interpreted as “Rating of the Vault”. Vault of Ages are the same size as a medkit of the same rating and can be transported as such. Shofarwhen a spirit fails its resistance against an activated shofar it is banished. you may choose to use the RAW shofar effect but that choice must be made when the shofar is used. CompoundsAstral BondUnavailable, also irrelevant due to Core rules. Baobhan’s TearsUnavailable. Drain AwayDrain Away is banned from use on RunnerHub. HMHVV II InhibitorUnavailable to players under normal circumstances. Alchemical PreparationsLightning BladePlease note that very few modern armors are metal; chainmail and mil-spec are the entirety of the list. ReagentsUnless gathered or created by the character using them, all Refined and Radical Reagents will be of the Baseline Quality. GM fiat for quality and tapping out. Remember that anything in the Seattle metroplex will be high competition territory. |