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Rules / Pets
PetsPets can now be purchased and even augmented via the standard availability rules. Pets at character generation start with the maximum amount of tricks they can learn. Any trainign after character generation must occur via GM-witnessed rolls and can only be done once per seven real-time days. Training may be backdated to the last trick trained, and the rolls are subject to the threshold and dicepool modifiers on Howling Shadows 183. Augmentation may be performed like normal gear acquisition, and be rolled in the Gear Rolls channel, or on a GM's table. The maximum you can raise a critter's skill via Animal Handling is equal to the higher of your ranks in Animal Handling or your ranks in the desired skill. The maximum ranks of a skill a Pet can learn is still 12. Pets with a logic of 0 or - may learn one trick. The lifestyle listed is the minimum lifestyle required to care for the animal. Food and care costs are considered to be part of the lifestyle expenses. If a pet cannot be supported, it will generally be lost, one way or another. Characters are limited to a number of living pets equal to 5 or their Charisma, whichever is higher.
Specific PetsAfrican ZipperAfrican Zipper's Movement power can only be applied to itself Devil RatDevil rats gain the 'Gestalt Consciousness' power Fenrir WolfFenrir Wolves have 12 boxes in their physical condition monitor, instead of the 2 boxes listed the Howling Shadows statblock Ozian BaboonOzian Baboon innate Levitate power is touch-range Mundane CrittersMundane critters are animals that predated the awakening of magic. Anything you would find in our real world, chimpanzees, cats, dolphins, etc. Mundane critters can become augmented through gene-tweaking or with the addition of cyberware. ElephantsElephants have a movement speed of x2/x8/+2 on the RunnerHub. |