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Contacts / RoyHinkley
Roy Hinkley
Cost: 4 points; Each point is payable in ¥3000 or 1 Karma per point. Purchase Rules
The Scholar-Meathead ScaleIn order to find out where you fall on the scale:
If your number is at least 2 higher in mental, Congrats, you're a scholar. If your physical is 2 points higher, you're a meathead.
Special RulesCollege AdmittanceIf you have at least a national SIN or an R4 fake with a lifestyle of at least low attached, you may begin attending classes at Seattle U. Attending classes has a number of benefits after a month of having joined the college. This is required to pick up this contact. Should you ever lose this SIN, you will lose access to this contact until 2 weeks after you have acquired a replacement SIN. When you get this contact (or replace sins) you must pick 2 majors from the list below. Regardless of your majors, you may pick up the following qualities at normal 2x karma costs:
You may buy off the following qualities:
All College related knowledge skills (don't try to be that guy) are considered to be learned as if you had a trainer without paying the nuyen. Higher LearningAll mental attribute (Willpower, Logic, Intuition) improvement times are halved. Picking Your ClassesWhen you pick up this contact you may choose two majors to take. You may take an additional major for 5,000 a month. During that month you gain access to that major. After you lose access, you keep anything you purchased, but you will just have to pay again if you wish to get something else from that major. The majors include:
Biotech Major
May pick up these qualities:
Electronics Major
May pick up these qualities:
Engineering Major
May pick up these qualities:
Liberal Arts Major
May pick up these qualities: