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Resources / GearSuggestions

Looking the Part

((Opening note: This guide assumes you have access to most of the major Shadowrun Fifth Edition sourcebooks. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t play Shadowrun without them. Notes will be added to help those who are limited to just the Core Rulebook. Remember, Core is enough to play a game, so don’t sweat. On the Runnerhub, we don’t have any minimum requirement to play (besides core, of course). Remember, if you can cite specific rules text for a specific item, you don’t need access to the whole book to use something. Just don’t think that means you can copy the whole book. Only pretend to be a criminal.))

Hey chummers! Welcome to the shadows. Your high levels of motivation and your complete disregard for metahuman life may have gotten you far on the streets, but you’re a real runner now. That means you’re going to need some real gear and some real professional preparedness. Good news for you, we’ve got some tips and tricks. We’ll take this section-by-section for your browsing convenience. Ready? Let’s go.


First and foremost, you’re gonna need some ID. SINs are the full-spectrum identification system of the sixth world. No SIN, no rights, privileges, or anything else. If you never leave the barrens, you might be able to get along without one. If you’re a shadowrunner, though, you’re leaving the barrens at some point. Better dust off a bit, though. Your options are as follows

Real SINs

  • Woah there, big shot. Running the shadows while you’re a real person are you? That’s fine. Some other runners are gonna hate you a little bit if they find out but what do they know. That said, you probably don’t wanna use your real ID for performing crimes. After all, that stuff is all on the Matrix and stuff now. Things get a whole lot worse for you when your REAL SIN gets traced. You can live somewhere owned by a real ID, and most of your day-to-day life will be fine. But pick up a fake for when you’ve gotta buy your guns, hacking devices, and drugs, okay?

Fake SINs

  • Rating 1 and 2 Fake SINs are barely functional under even casual scrutiny. They’ll hold up to a vending machine that does little more than verify that a string of numbers has been presented to it, but any checkpoint is likely to flag the SIN. SIN gets flagged? It’s burned. Hope you didn’t have your bank account or apartment registered to that. Rating 3 Fake SINs are the basic minimum standard for going about town. They’re riskier than is ideal, but they’ll do. Rating 4 Fake SINs are the starter-runner standard. They’re good enough to hold up to ordinary scrutiny most of the time. Rating 5 and 6 Fake SINs are out of reach for starter runners. But they’re excellent, and start holding up under intense scrutiny. It’s a common myth that in order to get a rating 6 SIN, you need to provide some skeezy shadow forgery service a real sample of your DNA that’ll go on some matrix record. If your ID manufacturer needs a vial of your blood it’s time to move on, chummer. A good forger will just get you a damn close match from some slitch. Sucks for them.

Real Licenses

  • Don’t worry about these. Most of you don’t have a real SIN to attach these to. If you do, then they’re handled by whoever got you your real SIN.

Fake Licenses

You’ve got a fake SIN. Good job. But if someone sees you toting that Predator V without a license to carry, well chummer your fake ID is now a crook. In general there’s four types of license you’ll need. Oh, and make sure they’re the same Rating as the SIN you attach it to. You get a trash-tier gun license, then your fancy-ass high-rating SIN gonna get burnt.

See Rules for fake Licenses


Chatting with your team around the table is great and all, but Seattle is a big place, and you’re gonna need some means of communication over a distance and shouting ain’t gonna cut it. There’s basically two forms of communication: Commlinks, which work over the Matrix, and old-school radio signals, which work through some technical mumbo-jumbo that you don’t need to worry about. Finally, we’ll talk a bit about how to actually get any use out of these devices. Just having a commlink doesn’t do you much if you don’t know how to use it.


  • Everyone’s gotta have a Commlink. Connects you to the Matrix, lets you ring up your friends and enemies, send messages, files, images, take pictures, the whole shebang. Finally, it helps secure your gear against hackers, those bastards. Technically you can get by with a rating 1 commlink, like a MetaLink or Renraku Aguchi. But those are likely to collapse quickly under any sort of spam or distance. The good news is they’re cheap as hell, so you can throw them away after you use them. Every runner should have one of these. Or three. Or more. Now, for a real commlink, you’ll want something that’s at least rating 3. That’s robust enough to survive basic Noise and will keep script kiddies from whacking your gear most of the time. Rating 5 or 6 is better. Once you get out there a bit more, a rating 7 will give you enough protection to fight off even decent hackers, and will be able to stay online through even active jamming. If you’re a rigger or a decker, you’ve probably already got a device that will function as a commlink. You should still get a regular one, though. Not everyone can just wander around with a cyberdeck or an RCC nor should you.

There’s a handful of unique commlinks with all sorts of interesting functions. Pick these up if you wanna, but they’re specialized or otherwise abnormal in some way and are by no means a requirement. ((Note: These commlinks are in Data Trails, and they aren’t necessary to have good Matrix security or to communicate. The Core Rulebook has solid commlinks that will be plenty sufficient for any runner))

  • The Nixdorf comes with a miniature Agent. Can’t hack with it but it’ll let you take your mind off things. Plus, for a premium, it comes with software to help manage your love life. If you find that a regular commlink just can’t keep the Man off your back and you don’t trust others, the Himitsu is an extra stealthy commlink. Looks like a lunchbox, plus it has a Sleaze rating. Pricey but if you’re running silent it might be worth it. Finally, the Blue Defender. It’s a Rating 3, but unlike most of those it comes with a beefed-up Firewall to help defend your gear. It looks like a bracelet, for fitting into any social setting.

Matrix-Dark Comms

  • Sometimes, for one reason or another, you’re gonna need to talk to the team and you won’t be able to use the matrix. Maybe you’re worried about getting spotted on the matrix, maybe you’re out in the sticks and even your decker is having trouble getting online. Whatever the reason, it’s bound to happen at some point. Microtranseivers are pretty much the end-all-be-all of this category. Cheaper than bribing the Star and with a range of a full klick. Plus it makes you look like a secret agent. Win-win. These come with an earbud for listening to what your team has to say, and a subvocal microphone for transmitting what you have to say. You could buy these two parts separately, but communication is about back and forth, chummer. Only having a subvocal mic isn’t worth much when you can’t hear your team shouting back.


Direct Neural Interface. It’s your Heads Up Display. This is how most people use their commlinks. It allows your ‘link to receive impulses directly from your brain and interpret them into commands. With DNI, you can hold a whole conversation over the Matrix while you’re chatting it up in the meat with someone else, and they’d never know. Too bad shadowrunners never need to do that, right? Plus they give you AR so you can see ads and street signs.

  • Datajacks are the best way to get DNI. They’re cheap, don’t eat up too much soul goo, and give you some noise reduction to boot. Basically if you see a chummer what doesn’t have a datajack, they’re probably magic or dirt broke. There’s really no reason not to otherwise. Now, technically, if you implant a commlink or a cyberdeck in your head you get this function too, but if you’re the kind of chummer sticking stuff like that in your meat you might as well get the ‘jack too. Gives you a length of cable and the previously mentioned Noise Reduction. Trodes are the magician’s datajack. They give you the same DNI, sans the noise reduction. Plus they don’t suck the mojo out of you, and only cost 70 nuyen. Downside? Look out for strong winds. Now, if you want some redundancy in your life or for whatever reason don’t believe in DNI, you can get individual senses attuned to AR. Image Link and Sound Link are pretty easy to get, and AR Gloves or nail polish allow your fingers to interact with the displays. Touch, Smell and Taste Link theoretically exist but chummer, that’s weird.


For the most part, fixing you when you break is the job of your local street doc or DocWagon care provider. But sometimes you don’t have time to get to the street doc or you neglected to renew your service package. For those times, you’d better have some basics.


  • Medkits, in addition to having the tools handy for you working your own magic, are automated and capable of working their own tools. For most of you, much better to let them do it. Medkits can be used a number of times equal to their Rating before they have to be restocked. Restocking is cheaper than buying a new one but it still means you’ve gotta keep track so you don’t have to explain that you’re gonna let a chummer bleed out because you couldn’t be assed to hop over to a Stuffer Shack between runs. Rating 1 and 2 Medkits are basically just a pack of bandages. They’re really not worth the expense. Pass on these. Rating 3 Medkits are the largest you can carry on your person. These also aren’t amazing for fixing what ails you, but they’re fanny pack sized and are good for having a few simple tools when you need. Rating 4 and 5 Medkits are too big to carry on your person. If you aren’t having it handy, you might as well splurge Rating 6 Medkits are the best on the market. They’re duffel bag sized, but if you have a vehicle you have no reason not to carry one of these. They might save your life, or the life of your teammate. If you still trust nanotech, then the Savior Medkit might be a good thing to look into. It’s a syringe filled with a bunch of specialized nanites who can act as a Rating 6 Medkit. That said, it’s expensive, and unlike the more ordinary medkits are only good for one shot before you’ve gotta restock. Still cheaper than buying a whole new one. ((This is in Chrome Flesh.))

Slap Patches

  • These palm-sized patches can be loaded with all sorts of chemicals, and self-adhere to the skin to deliver their payload. Most of these are for medical purposes, though that isn’t their only use. More on that in a moment. Trauma Patches are a must-have for any self-respecting shadowrunner. They’re pricey, but they can and will save your life if you hit the dirt. Stim Patches are probably the most used slap patch in the shadows. They’ll perk you right up so long as you aren’t bleeding. Careful not to apply more than one, though, overdose on these chems is painful and will probably slap you right back on the ground. Speaking of going back on the ground, keep in mind that these will only let you ignore the problem for about an hour. Once that time goes up, it’s nap time again. Antidote Patches give you a little extra oomph for when you’re confronting some dangerous chemicals, like PepperPunch or NeuroStun. Technically you can slap them on right after you get exposed, but it’s a lot safer to just apply them before you go charging in. They’ll still offer their benefits if applied a few minutes in advance.
  • They aren’t for medical purposes, but Tranq Patches and Chem Patches are worth a note here. If you can get a Tranq Patch on someone’s skin, they’ll probably be taking a brief nap. Chem Patches can be loaded with quite a number of things, so that’s dealer’s choice as to what their effect is. They’re pretty much just a blank slate until you or a friend loads them up.

Audiovisual Aids

Much of metahumanity has abilities to see in the dark or in infrared. However, not all of you do, and just because you’ve got one or the other doesn’t mean you’re set for everything else you might need. In the shadows, there’s all sorts of situations you’ll run into. We’ll go over your different senses and all the different modifications and preparations you should have.


  • If you don’t want to replace your eyes because you’ve got a sentimental attachment to your Essence, then you need contacts and glasses. Low-Light Vision and Flare Compensation are something of the bare minimum, and are about all that will fit into contacts. The good news is you can throw some glasses on top of your contacts to get some extra functionality, though the order in which you get mods matters, so be careful. On your glasses, you’re looking for useful mods such as Thermographic Vision and Vision Magnification, as well as a Smartlink if you’re the type who uses them. If you’re lucky enough to naturally have Low-Light Vision or Thermographic Vision you can feel free to try and squeeze some other mod in or just add in a bunch of Vision Enhancement. You can also use goggles, which have more capacity, but then you look like someone wearing goggles through the city. If you don’t see the problem with that, try taking your goggles off and looking around.
  • Cybereyes are hugely ubiquitous. Did you get the gene that makes your vision go fuzzy after a few meters? Sure you could correct that, or you could just replace the whole shebang. If you go this route, any sort of natural vision you have gets replaced so everyone needs the same set of mods. If you like having fleshy meat eyes but aren’t married to your essence, you can always get Tetrachromacy or plug individual augments into your eyes. ((Tetrachromacy is in Chrome Flesh, but most of the plugins for cybereyes can still be implanted directly into your natural eyes))


  • The good news is that if you don’t feel like spending your soul juice on implants then earbuds have enough juice to get you the basics of some Select Sound Filter. That means that you can focus on specific sounds, like what that pretty elf in the club was saying or the footsteps of the guard around the corner. Adding Spatial Recognizers will also help you figure out which corner the guard is around, or really anything else you need to know where a sound is coming from. Finally, there’s also Audio Enhancement for when you want to hear better. There’s a handful of other useful hearing mods too, but we’re here to talk about the basics. You can pick up Headphones for if you want some more robust audio gear.
  • Cyberears are a step up, of course. You can’t drop them for starters. You’ll still want the Select Sound Filter, but cyberears can get a couple of unique mods too. If you’re a rigger, a decker, or you live out in the boonies you can get antennae in them to boost your matrix connection. Or you can buy dampers for when opfor throws a flashbang at you. Of course, you can also plug individual mods directly into your meat ears just like you can for vision mods.


((Run and Gun is the big Clothes and Armor book. If you only have Core, this section is a little slim. Auctioneer Business Clothes and an Armored Jacket or Vest or a Lined Coat will get you what you need, however, and Chemical Protection and Nonconductivity are also in Core.))

Clothes, as they say, make the man. Or woman, or whatever else you are. It’s the sixth world omae. It’s best to have some threads for any situation. At the very least, have the self-respect to own a suit.


  • High Fashion Armor is a standard of any good runner. An Auctioneer Business suit is fine, it won’t make you stand out one way or another. For upper management and high society dress, Zoe Executive is an excellent option. Not very customizable, but it’s pretty solidly armored. The Berwick is a classic choice as well, with more customizability. If you’ve got the shoulder strength for the Overcoat, it can have pretty respectable armor as well. The Synergist Business Line is for looking like a Corporate shark and if you want to nail the standard run of the mill wageslave you might want to go for some armoured clothing or an Actioneer Business Suit.
  • Most of you also are going to want some kind of traditional armor as well. An Armored Jacket is the classic choice, but an Armored Vest can fit under some less conspicuous clothing as well as offering some exceptional style points. If you watch a lot of shadowrunning trids and want some of those style points, the Lined Coat is your ticket. Plus, it gives a degree of extra concealability. Remember though, chummer, if you go about wearing these in nice neighborhoods you’re gonna draw attention you don’t want. There’s plenty of places in the sprawl where these are justified beyond the barrens, but keep in mind where you are and where you’re going.
  • Now the keener among you may have thought of the classic con of “I’m here to fix the air conditioning” and wondered how your armored jacket or suit coat fit into that paradigm. The answer is they don’t, but the good news is your friendly neighborhood tailor-stroke-smuggler probably has access to all the corp-official blue-collar coveralls. The classic choice is the Ares Industrious. The Industrious is the gold-standard across all corps. If you’re infiltrating some corp that isn’t Ares, don’t worry they probably have an identical outfit that they call a different name out of corporate pride and won’t notice a difference.


  • Now you’re asking, armored plating and kevlar is great and all, but what about mods? Well, hypothetical shadowrunner, it’s a good thing I was prepared for just such a question. Now, a very common self-defense weapon is the taser, and on top of that stick-and-shock is an excellent less-than-lethal ammo loaded by many security guards. That means non-conductivity is a really solid go-to armor mod. Getting it rating 5 negates the armor piercing of electric ammo, but the extra point in rating 6 doesn’t hurt. Chemical Protection helps when opfor decides that a cloud of PepperPunch is the best way to get you to frag off. Electrochromic Clothing isn’t exactly active camo, but never underestimate the value of a new paint job. Especially on that Industrious, that can mean that you can tap a few AR buttons and suddenly your Ares Industrious works just as well in a Saeder-Krupp facility or in your local Stuffer Shack. Outside of that, most of the mods available for armor are up to you. A Drag Handle is useful if you’re a larger variety of folk and you want your weedier teammates to have a shot at pulling you out if you go down. Fire Resistance if you’re scared of fire spirits. A Concealed Pocket if you want to be able to slip that tranq patch past the guards, or a Faraday Pocket if you want to hack-proof a burner phone or if you’re swiping a small object on the job.

Identity protection

  • All the armor in the world doesn’t help when KE has shots of your ugly mug to plaster up on every AR feed in the Sprawl. This is pretty easy to fix. A Ballistic Mask or a Helmet with a face guard can do the trick, and give you a bit of armor to boot. If you’re weedy and can’t muster the strength to hold your head up with a helmet on it, a gas mask or a simple balaclava will suffice. If you’re trying to keep up appearances, a Synthskin Mask will do you a lot of good too. Make sure you’ve got a good decker to program it though.


I see that glimmer in your eye. Now it might be just a bug in your cybereyes but regardless a lot of folk get excited when we get to this part. Well hold your horses a bit we’re not going to go over every bit and piece. This section is just a quick overview so you don’t forget the basics


  • Everyone should really carry a gun. Doesn’t matter if you can shoot worth a damn, people start getting polite when you can flash a bit of gunmetal at them. If you pray to God or some spirit that you’ll never shoot the thing, a pistol is probably fine. Concealable but still able to let people know you’re packing. Tasers such as the Defiance EX-Shocker or the Yamaha Pulsar are totally legal without a license and pack a lot more of a punch than they get credit for. A Predator V is one of the most identifiable guns in the Sixth World so no one mistakes what you’re carrying. For those of you who are planning to do a little range time but aren’t going to be leading any charges, a nice machine pistol or submachine gun is an excellent choice. Even a little bit of training can make suppressing fire into a useful boon to your muscle. If you’re going to try and hit a specific target, being able to throw more lead downrange makes it more likely you’ll hit too. A Remington Suppressor is a machine pistol with an integral suppressor for excellent concealability. Alternately, everyone’s seen trids with the street samurai putting in work with the Ingram Smartgun X. Spray and pray!
  • If you’re planning to really put in work and get good, well chummer you’re gonna have to do your own research. This part of the guide isn’t for you.


  • Turns out, folks, that when everyone has guns, it’s a bit shall we say risky to charge a chummer with a knife. That said, there’s benefit to having some tools even without the investment necessary to being an effective primary melee combatant. A Survival Knife, as the name suggests, has a lot of use beyond combat. Indeed, it’s almost primarily for non-combat purposes. If you can connect to the Matrix, it can pull up maps of your area and even make a commcall if you need. Besides, never underestimate the utility of having a sharp blade handy. A Sapphire or Ceramic Knife can get through sensors. Being armed when no one else is gives you an edge you need. Pun intended. Otherwise, a plain old regular Knife will do if you can stash it. A Stun Baton gives you some interesting options for applying electrical damage. If you’ve done your research, being able to short out a lock might get you through a door. Also might keep you from being able to get through it at all so be careful. An Extendable Baton is reasonably concealable, in addition to being completely legal for more unlicensed self defense. Knucks will give you an extra boost for those of you who might be able to fight but struggle to do much damage. Plasteel Toe Boots or the LoneStar Combat Boots aren’t necessarily the best for improving your melee combat abilities, but they’ll help you kick in doors if you find yourself in need of moving faster than locks can be picked.


  • This one’s pretty simple, folks. If you are at least a little paranoid, and you should be, you’ll want a few handy ways to keep yourself safe. Jammers will help keep signals off of you, or from coming out of the opfor. Area Jammers are fine, but they’re hard to come across at higher Ratings and they tend to start falling off in effectiveness rather quickly. Directional Jammers are easier to come across, and have the advantage of being able to point them away from your team. Downside of course is that they only go one direction. Bug Scanners are handy for, well, finding bugs. Not the alien spirit ones, but the ordinary listening ones. Your decker can do some of that, but that’s no excuse for not being able to help secure your safehouse to make sure your target isn’t being tracked after you pick it up. Tag Erasers are much the same. Downside is that they charge pretty slow. Every team is gonna need one of these eventually, but the decker is gonna be a lot more effective at this than you. Still, if the decker is busy or dumpshocked you’ll be glad to have one laying around.


((Core Rulebook has some very solid vehicle options. Unfortunately, it lacks in the way of vehicle modifications. On the Runnerhub, we have an either/or policy on vehicle modifications, that being you may use either Rigger 5 mod rules or Core mod rules, not both. Keep that in mind if you try to piecemeal advice here))

Seattle’s still got taxis, and busses. Unfortunately, for most of us we carry some highly illegal gear around with us. Surprisingly, bus drivers and taxi scanners take exception to that. So, you all are going to want a vehicle.

  • Bikes are comparatively cheap, quite maneuverable, and commonplace. Downside is they don’t have a ton of storage space. A Dodge Scoot is cheap and reliable transportation, if a little undignified. A Scorpion or DobleRevolution is a bit more dignified, but also pricier. Cars are the old reliable option. A Jackrabbit or a FunOne is cheap, though a bit short on storage space. Americars get you where you’re going, carry the team, have a respectable trunk, and are reasonably priced. An excellent all-purpose vehicle, although it doesn’t have the flair that many shadowrunners love.
  • Vans and trucks are tougher and bigger, but expect to be the team mom if you get one of these. Bulldogs are a classic delivery van, as is the Universe. The Toyota Gopher has plenty of hauling strength and good off roading capabilities. If you’re too damn broke to buy a vehicle, taxis can get you places if you’re willing to swallow your pride and hitchhike with your team. Johnny Cab has plenty of benefits, and doesn’t usually ask too many questions. Your friend who delivers pizzas might work too, though I guess you’ll have to ask him.
  • Once you’ve gotten a ride, though, you’re gonna want to mod it out. Morphing License Plates and Spoof Chips will keep your vehicle from being made as soon as you’re too close to a crime with it. GridLink Override will make sure Knight Errant can’t dictate when and where you stop. A Smuggling Compartment will let you store all of those illegal items we were talking about earlier. Add some Shielding against Electromagnetic and Olfactory scanners to help. And make sure to fill out the sensor suite. That can hold 8 distinct sensors, of your choice.


You all gotta live somewhere. We can’t just vanish into a timeless singularity after a job, after all. Seattle’s a big place, but there’s only a handful of broad strokes to talk about as far as housing goes.

  • Look, if you think you bought a nice van, gave it High Amenities and are going to live in it, probably not the best idea. Not having showers, or a proper kitchen, or a real bed will take its toll on you. A Street Lifestyle means you’re going to look awful, and hurt pretty often. Plus, even if you’re dirt poor now before long you’ll be lugging around tens or hundreds of thousands of nuyen in gear. You’re gonna want at least a locker or something. Squatter Lifestyles are better. You still don’t have a grid subscription, or a bank account, so you’re still toting credsticks around to keep track of your money. You’ve got a bed that you’re at least allowed to use, but calling it yours might be a stretch at this point. Might be sharing it with someone else though. Low Lifestyles get you a bank account that’ll keep your raw nuyen a little more secure. Plus, you’re at the point now where you’ve got real space of your own to keep your gear just the way you like it. Still gonna wake up with a crick in the neck occasionally, and maybe your water doesn’t always work, and you’re still on the Public Grid. But hey, it’s your own little mess! A Medium Lifestyle is sort of where most runners will settle in. Power and water is consistent, you’ve got a ticket into the Emerald Grid, and you’ve probably got enough to afford real food sometimes. Living the good life, chummer. A High Lifestyle is when we start getting fancy. A Global Grid subscription is available to you, real food is a regular, if not constant possibility, and you probably even smell good. Finally, there’s Luxury Lifestyles. Luxury isn’t really a runner lifestyle, omae. If you’re living in Luxury, you’ve got something a hell of a lot more consistent than running available to you.

Shopping List

Standard Runner Kit - Approx 36,300 Nuyen

  • Hermes Ikon
  • Metalink
  • Micro-Transceiver
  • Trodes
  • Micro camera
  • Fake Sin (Rating 4)
  • 3x Fake Licenses (Rating 4)
  • Low Lifestyle
  • Nissan Jackrabbit
  • Armour Jacket
  • Helmet
  • A Gun (The PACK comes with a Silenced Steyr TMP)
  • 3 Spare Clips
  • 30 APDS Bullets
  • 30 Stick and Shock Bullets
  • Contact Lenses (Rating 3) [Image Link , Flare Comp, Vision Magnification]
  • Earbuds (Rating 3) [Select sound filter 1, Audio enhancement 2]
  • Glasses (Rating 4) [Visual enhancement 3, Thermal vision]
  • 1 Silver Credstick
  • 5 Standard Credsticks
  • 10 Stealth tags
  • 10 Data Chips
  • 10 Standard tags
  • Chisel/Crowbar
  • Mini-welder
  • Metal Restraints
  • 10 Plastic restraints
  • Trauma Patch
  • 2 Stim Patches (R6)
  • Two Medkits (Rating 3 and 6)
  • Bug Scanner
  • Tag Eraser
  • Long haul
  • Standard Rope 100 metres
  • Survival Kit
  • Gas Mask
  • Knife

Strapped for Cash - Just under 16,000 nuyen

  • Renraku Sensei and a Meta Link
  • Trodes
  • Micro-Transceiver
  • Micro Camera
  • Fake SIN (Rating 3)
  • 2x Fake Licenses (Rating 3) (Job)(Firearms)
  • Low Lifestyle
  • Armour Jacket
  • Helmet
  • A Gun, with Ammo. (I’m using the TMP for total costs)
  • 1 Silver credstick
  • 5x Regular credsticks
  • Contact Lenses (Rating 1) (Image Link)
  • Earbuds( Select Sound Filter 1)
  • 4 Data Chips
  • 10x Standard Tags
  • 3x Stealth tags.
  • Trauma Patch, 1x Stim patch (6)
  • Gas Mask

Page last modified on September 15, 2021, at 04:20 AM