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Rules / Lifestyles

Lifestyle Rules

General Notes

Each character needs to pay the full cost of their lifestyle, even if they are sharing a residence with other characters.

The Bolt Hole lifestyle from Run Faster is allowed, but characters must maintain an actual lifestyle in addition to any Bolt Holes they have access to. Rent for a Bolt Hole is only paid in the month(s) in which it is used.

Characters may, if their player so chooses, have no permanent address and instead live out of a vehicle, provided that vehicle is equipped with the correct amenities and that they still pay for the cost of a full, fixed-location lifestyle.

Rent is paid every four runs a character has been on. Once they have been on their fourth run since paying rent they must pay before they may be on another run. TD may give an extension under certain circumstances.

A Rent Thread is put up once a month both as a reminder and so players can state which characters pay rent and how much.

Dwarves, Orks, and Trolls do not need to pay additional nuyen to support their lifestyle; all metatypes pay the same lifestyle cost.

Commercial Lifestyle

Commercial lifestyle tests are CHA + Etiquette. Specs in Corporate or Commercial may be applied, but only one of them. This roll will be done in the rent thread using the /u/roll_me bot.

The maximum discount is the cost of the lifestyle, nuyen cannot be gained. Karma cannot be spent to reduce this lifestyle's costs, as it does not have a lower lifestyle level.

Commercial lifestyles cannot be categorized as "Industrial": no factories, refineries, etc. Small storefronts or the kinds of businesses in a strip mall are recommended. Commercial lifestyles should make sense for the area it is located in: In Downtown where space is at a premium, it's recommended to lean toward physically smaller businesses like coffee shops, bars, or small nightclubs. In less dense environs, larger businesses are more reasonable.

Commercial lifestyles using unmodified base stats may be located in a D Zone or better, while modified statlines must be in a zone appropriate to their Neighborhood Rating. The description of a commercial lifestyle should take its location into account; a bar in an A Zone will have drastically different clientele than a bar in a D Zone.

Having attached living quarters, such as an apartment above a coffee shop, is allowed. Depending on the physical layout of the building, the apartment may cut into the size of the business space - or the apartment may be a bit cramped for the sake of the business space. In either case, using a Commercial Lifestyle in this manner requires that the living space and business space be in the same building, even if they are accessed through different entrances. Keep in mind that some businesses are unsuited to having an attached apartment, and this cannot be resolved by having an apartment across the street. Runners living in apartments attached to a business treat their Comforts and Necessities as equal to the level they have available; unmodified Commercial Lifestyles are equivalent to a Middle lifestyle.

Traveler Lifestyle


Bolt Holes

One-fourth the cost of a bolt hole is paid every run that the bolt hole is used.

Advanced Lifestyles

The advanced lifestyle rules from Run Faster (PG 212) are allowed on RunnerHub. However, since not all players own Run Faster or want to customize their lifestyle, these rules are optional to an extent. Each lifestyle has assumed stats, and characters must still resist Lifestyle fatigue damage at the beginning of each run. Thus, the assumed (and base) stats for your lifestyle are presented below, including their max limits for ease of reference:

Bolt Hole1 [2]1 [4]1 [4]4Not A Home
Street0 [1]0 [1]0 [1]26 Stun
Squatter1 [2]1 [2]1 [2]24 Stun
Low2 [3]2 [3]2 [3]32 Stun
Medium3 [4]3 [4]4 [5]40 Stun
High4 [6]4 [6]5 [6]5No Allergy Effects

These are, again, the base stats of each Lifestyle. Comforts and Necessities (C&N) reduces the Stun damage from Lifestyle Fatigue (see below), Security is a measure of how safe your place is, and Neighborhood determines where a character lives if they make use of any portion of the advanced lifestyle rules. Characters which make no customizations to their lifestyle are not required to live in a security zone as determined by the Neighborhood rating.

Comfort, Necessities, and Fatigue

At the start of each run, all characters must roll to resist 6 Stun using the normal soak dicepool (Body + Willpower). However, each point of Comforts and Necessities reduces the amount of Stun that must be resisted by 2. Thus, any character who has a lifestyle with a C&N rating 3 or greater will by default need to soak exactly 0 Stun.

However, Allergies are now rather potent negative qualities for characters whose lifestyle has a C&N rating of 3 or lower – characters in High lifestyles never deal with Allergy-related issues. For each level of a Common Allergy above Mild, the DV of the Stun damage is increased by 1, and for each level of an Uncommon Allergy above Moderate, the DV of the Stun damage is increased by 1. Additionally, Common food-related Allergies add an additional 1 DV above Mild, and Uncommon food-related allergies add an additional 1 DV above Moderate. See the table below for easy, quick calculations:

Stun Damage Calculations by Lifestyle
LifestyleBolt HoleStreetSquatterLowMedium
Base Stun DV46420
Base Stun DV with Common AllergiesModerate57531
Base Stun DV with Common Food AllergiesModerate68642
Base Stun DV with Uncommon AllergiesSevere57531
Base Stun DV with Uncommon Food AllergiesSevere68642
  • Danny Decker lives in a Low lifestyle. With a base C&N score of 2, until he raises it to 3 he must resist 2 Stun damage at the beginning of each run.
  • Michael Mage lives in a Medium lifestyle. With his base C&N score of 3, he does not need to resist any Stun damage at the beginning of each run.
  • Rosie Rigger also lives in a Low lifestyle, and has a Moderate Allergy (Common) to pollen. The lifestyle's base C&N rating of 2 reduces the Stun damage she must resist down to 2, but her allergy increases that by 1, so she must resist 3 Stun damage at the beginning of each run. If Rosie were to upgrade to a Medium lifestyle, she'd only need to resist 1 Stun damage, and if she upgraded her C&N she could rest easy and soak no damage.
  • Sally Street Sam lives in a default Medium lifestyle, but has a Severe Allergy (Common) to krill. Normally, her Medium lifestyle would result in 0 Stun damage to soak, but that severe food-related allergy adds 4 Stun damage total – 2 for being 2 levels above Mild, plus 2 more since it is a Severe food-related allergy. If Sally moved up to a High lifestyle, she would never have to worry about her allergies again and soak no damage at the beginning of each run.


First and most importantly, RunnerHub does not use the Security stat of a character's lifestyle to determine if things are randomly stolen from them. However, GMs are encouraged to use the Security stat to help determine if a character is able to arrive on time to Johnson meets, runner operations, and so on.


This statistic relates to what security zone a character lives in. Response times listed in the table below are for normal law enforcement, medical services, and fire/rescue services, not HTR. Characters which use the base, unmodified Lifestyle stats listed above are not limited to specific Security Zones by the Neighborhood rating.

NeighborhoodZoneResponse Time
0Z2d6 hours
1E1d6 hours
2D1d6 * 12 minutes
3C1d6 * 10 minutes
4B1d6 * 5 minutes
5A2d6 + 3 minutes
6AA1d6 + 4 minutes

Customizing Lifestyles

Characters may buy the Assets and Services listed in Run Faster (PG 220), as well as the Lifestyle Options (PG 224). Assets or Services which are only applicable to the Traveler lifestyles are not allowed. The following negative modifications are allowed:

  • Angry Drunk
  • Cramped (Garage/Workshop)
  • Household Gremlins
    • Rolled on a GM's table on the first run by the character each months, and applies before Comforts & Necessities stun is calculated.
  • Not A Home
  • Maid is Out
  • Safety Third (Garage/Workshop)
  • Rough Neighborhood
  • W-Zone

Players may permanently reduce the cost of a given Lifestyle using the rules presented in Better than Bad by a single level, with a floor of Squatter. Sorry, no free lunches allowed!

Points, Nuyen, and Minimum Lifestyle

Services and Assets have a minimum lifestyle, monthly nuyen cost, and point cost attached. What these three pieces of information mean can be confusing, so take the Gym Asset as an example. It has a point cost of 2, a monthly nuyen cost of 300 nuyen, and a minimum lifestyle of Medium. What this means is that if a character has a Medium or better lifestyle, they pay only the one-time point cost. Characters with Low or worse lifestyle must pay the one-time point cost and the 300 nuyen per month.

Grid Subscriptions

Grid Subscriptions, both Local and Global, do not represent the free subscription a character has by default for maintaining a lifestyle. These subscription options are in addition to a lifestyle's free grid subscription.

For example, a character with a Low (or worse) lifestyle would need to dedicate 1 point and pay the 50 nuyen monthly fee to access the Emerald City Grid. A character with a Medium lifestyle would have free access to the Emerald City Grid, and could buy a second “local” subscription (Neotokyo, Cara'sir, etc.). A character with a High lifestyle would have access to Emerald City Grid, one global grid of their choice (Horizon, Saeder-Krupp, etc.), and could buy a second local or global grid subscription.


Stables are added to lifestyles on a per-pet basis, and cost the same as a basic lifestyle one level below the animal's minimum lifestyle requirement. The minimum lifestyle requirement for a stable is also one level below the animal's minimum lifestyle requirement. See the list of pet lifestyle requirements for more information.

For example, if a character living a Medium lifestyle wished to use stables to care for an Eagle (requiring High) and a Horse (requiring Luxury), the stable for the Eagle would be covered under their lifestyle (or the character could pay 5,000 nuyen a month if they wished to keep the lifestyle point), and the stable for the Horse would cost 10,000 nuyen a month. If this same character lived in a High lifestyle instead, both stables would be covered under the lifestyle.


Small (1LP) ground vehicle garages may service vehicles up to 10 Body. Large (2LP) ground may service vehicles of any Body.

Page last modified on September 04, 2024, at 09:25 PM