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Rules / Magic
MagicApprenticesApprentices are counted as Aspected Magicians, so they get group skills at Magic B/C as other Aspected Magicians. Apprentices have access to Banishing, Binding, Counterspelling, and Ritual spellcasting; their limitation rests in school of magic and spirit types, not skills. Blood / Insect / Toxic / etc. MagicThe above types of magic, as well as any spells, powers, spirits, metamagics, mentor spirits, etc., tied to them ("Dark Magic" chapter, p.78 Street Grimoire) are not allowed for player use on RunnerHub. Blood Crystal QualitiesThese are not available on RunnerHub. Corpse Cadavre and ZombiesThe Corps Cadavre (Hard Targets 128) and Zombie (Hard Targets 131) rituals, as well as the Zubembie Powder drug used to create Zombies are not allowed for use by player characters on RunnerHub. This ban does not include the Zombie Dust (Chrome Flesh 187) drug, which is not involved in the creation of Zombies and simply makes the creature dosed with the drug a Prepared Vessel for possession/inhabitation over the duration. Essence Loss and Burning OutIf a character's Magic or Resonance attribute reaches 0, they are permanently burned out. This means that they have lost their magical or technomancer abilities and cannot raise the Magic or Resonance attribute above 0 again (see p.250, SR5 and errata). During character creation, apply any special attribute points or karma used to raise either of these attributes before applying reductions from Essence loss. After character creation (i.e. in play), the Karma cost for raising the Magic attribute is based on the attribute’s current rating, after any reductions from Essence loss have been applied. Focused AwakenedA character may choose one, and only one, of the types of Focused Awakened listed on page 42 of Forbidden Arcana. Reagent HarvestingPlayers may not harvest reagents in downtime. The harvesting of reagents during a run is allowed, using the rules on page 317 of the Core Rulebook, with the grade of reagents determined by the game master. Saving Power PointsAdepts and Mystic Adepts may choose to leave Power Points acquired after character creation unused, and assign Adept Powers to these points at a later date. The permanent assignment of powers to these Power Points may only be done in downtime. All Power Points must be used during character creation. When Alchemy Counts As A SpellIf something refers to the Spellcasting skill specifically, and not Alchemy, then only spells (and not preparations) apply. This applies to "Innate Spell" and "Dedicated Spellcaster". DrainReckless SpellcastingAll Drain modifiers are calculated at the same time. Thus, if casting a Force 2 spell that normally has a Drain value of F-4, the drain is modified to be F-1, or 1, and modified up to the minimum drain value of 2. Stim PatchesStim patches do not heal Stun damage. They temporarily remove the damage, so can be used to negate any Stun damage from Drain. However, when the patch wears off, the Stun damage returns plus one additional box of Stun damage. This additional box is counted as Drain damage, and cannot be healed magically SpellsFetishes & Limited SpellsThese are limited to one spell per fetish. Fetishes can be replaced if lost, at a cost of 2,000 nuyen. Replacement fetishes must also be attuned to their new owner. Learning SpellsTo learn Spells / Preps / Rituals, you must have at least one rank of Spellcasting, Ritual Spell Casting, or Alchemy. Adepts may take rituals with the Adept tag if they have a rank of the linked skill. Anyone may take the Calling ritual if they have at least one rank of Arcana. These must be ranks as an active skill, NOT a knowledge skill. Mental Manipulation SpellsThe target(s) resisting a sustained Mental Manipulation spell do not receive a dice pool penalty equal to the spell’s Force as found on CRB292. When using a Mental Manipulation spell to force or coerce a target into performing a Notorious act (as defined on CRB368), the GM is free to award the magician the associated Notoriety. The dice pool penalty for having a target under the effects of a Control Thoughts/Emotions spell on CRB140 should be treated as a bonus. It is a Simple action to to give a victim of Control Thoughts/Mob Mind a command. Detecting that a mental manipulation spell has been cast on you relies on the standard rules for perceiving magic (CRB280) and may be supplemented by knowledge skills at GM discretion. More obvious spells (such as Control Actions), and obvious orders (such as "Shoot yourself") may grant a bonus to these tests, or even grant automatic knowledge that one has been affected by mental control, at GM discretion. Regardless of whether or not a target has noticed a mental control spell cast on them, they may make the roll to break free of mental control as described on CRB292. This roll takes place at the end of each of their passes, and may be made even if the target has no actions left for that pass. They may roll at the end of each of their passes as long as the spell is sustained. Mental manipulation spells which have become permanent are resisted per the text of the spell over time. Multicasting (Casting Multiple Spells with a Single Action)See the Multiple Attacks Free Action rules. Touch Range Combat SpellsAttacks using combat spells with a range of Touch are resolved with a standard (Spellcasting + Magic [Force]) test, opposed either by the target's (Reaction + Intuition) for indirect spells, and Body or Willpower for physical or mana-based direct spells, respectively. An unarmed attack to touch the target is not necessary. The defender’s roll is treated like a defense against a melee attack. This means that melee specific interrupt actions and similar can be used. Since the spellcasting test represents a touch attack, the attack is still successful when attacker and defender tie on their rolls. However, the attacker does not gain the usual +2 bonus for performing a touch only attack. Sustaining SpellsSustaining one or more spells does not make you easier to detect Astrally - whether you are projecting or not. Specific SpellsAlter BallisticsAlter Ballistics may be used with weapons firing in Single Shot or Simple-Action Semi Auto. Astral MessageThis spell does not have a range limitation given its specific target requirements; specifically the caster must have experience with the target's astral form or a material link. Blood to IchorBanned. Confusion/Mass Confusion/Chaos/Chaotic WorldA character who suffers a dice pool modifier higher than their Willpower due to any of these spells is completely incapacitated. DetoxThe Force of a Detox spell must equal or exceed the base Addiction Rating of a drug to have any effect. A single hit removes all ongoing drug effects on a person, either from active drugs or drug crashes. If Detox is used before a drug’s crash has occurred, any damage that would be inflicted by the crash is suffered immediately. Damage inflicted by drug effects, crashes, or overdoses is unaffected by the spell. Detox has no effect on addiction tests. False Impression and ManascapeAnyone who would try to observe the Astral Form of these spells must successfully resist them first. Failure to resist the spell’s effect results in the spell’s astral form being hidden from the observer, as if it wasn’t there. FlingWhen using Fling with a throwing weapon that has a defined damage code, treat it as a ranged attack with a throwing weapon. Replace the weapon skill test with a spellcasting test, and use MAG instead of STR for all aspects of the attack. When using Fling with any other item, roll a spellcasting test against REA + INT. It has a Damage Value equal to Force (unaltered by hits on the Spellcasting test) and 0 AP. The damage is resisted with Body + Armor as normal. Hose and TsunamiThese are available with the stipulation that electronics are generally water-resistant; the anti-machine properties of it only apply if the GM says so. Also, please note that it does not actually do damage; water 'damage' just knocks people down. IncubusThis spell can be cast on both a single target and on multiple targets. Other people who look at the target(s) and fail to resist the illusion see an idealized version of that person. Invisibility/Improved InvisibiltyThe Invisibility/Improved Invisibility spell can only be cast on a living creature with an aura. Mind-Link, Mindnet, Mindnet ExtendedThese spells can only be used on metahumans and metasapients, and can be used to share communication (verbal, text, sensory, emotive, astral). While it is possible to share sensory information with someone who doesn’t have that sense themselves (e.g. sight with a blind person), they won’t be able to properly comprehend the information. Therefore, it has no mechanical effect. Multiply FoodBanned. Negative Health SpellsHealth spells with the Negative keyword, such as Inflict Disease or Nauseate, are not limited to the Command alchemical trigger. PetrifyThis spell is opposed by Physical BarrierReplace the last two sentences of the Physical Barrier description (p294 CRB) with... "The barrier can be brought down by physical attacks, but as long as you sustain it will fully regenerate at the beginning of each Combat Turn. If the barrier takes boxes of damage equal to or greater than its Structure, it collapses and the spell ends." Shape [Material]When taking this spell, choose Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Plastic, or Wood as the element. When shaping a material with this spell use the element that is most appropriate for the material being shaped and for composite materials such as a concrete wall with metal rebar use the one that is most appropriate for the majority of the material being shaped. This spell works on non-living matter. Shapechange/[Critter] FormWhen a character is subject to a Shapechange/[Critter] Form spell, their Body and physical Attributes are replaced with that of the chosen Critter, and the effects of any implants or racial powers cease to function for the duration. When used offensively (with the Taboo Transformer quality), these spells are opposed by the target's SpellbladesManablade is not allowed for use on RunnerHub. Powerblade is a Sustained Combat spell which does not utilize any existing rules or tags specific to Combat spells. Instead, it creates a melee weapon with This spell can also be made into an alchemical preparation, in which case the melee weapon is created with the lynchpin as the handle. The spell ends and the weapon disappears when the wielder's grip on the lynchpin is lost or the lynchpin is transferred to another individual, as well as under any other circumstances where a sustained spell from a lynchpin would be lost. Preparations of this spell may only be used by the caster, and if activated outside of the caster's grasp the preparation is wasted. It otherwise behaves as the regular spell. Turn to GooThis spell is opposed by CounterspellingSpell Defense may be applied to offensive magical power used by a spirit (but not other types of critters) that require an action on the part of the critter and for which there is a defense test. RitualsRitual Formula CostSince the official material doesn't list availability and price for Ritual Formulae, treat their Availability as 6R and price as 1500¥ until official values are released. This applies to formulae for all rituals, regardless of their type. Attune AnimalThe magical nature of the connection formed by this ritual allows characters to bypass needing Tricks for simple commands - as per the rules on Sense Link found in Street Grimoire pg 198 (SG198). Animal Familiars and Attuned Animals are not immune to the Animal Control power. At GMs discretion, they may make it an opposed test following the rules of Sense Link commands: CurseA Curse ritual ends if any of the participants stop sustaining the ritual. HomunculiHomunculi have the Dual Natured power. Homunculi have an Astral Combat damage of 1, like Watchers, and 0 Charisma. ImbueAdepts may learn “Imbue” through the “Adept” tag rules. Everyone else must learn it via initiating into “Advanced Ritual Spellcasting”, and uses normal “Ritual Spellcasting” rules with it. Inanimate Vessel PreparationThis ritual does not require the Channeling metamagic. Living Vessel PreparationThis ritual does not require the Channeling metamagic. Necro SummoningThis ritual takes a number of hours equal to its Force to complete. These rituals are exclusive to practitioners of the Necro Magic tradition and are rendered unusable if the magician undergoes a Paradigm Shift. Summon Great Form SpiritAspected Mages and Mystic Adepts who have access to the Conjuring group but not the Sorcery Group may use the Summoning skill in place of Ritual Spellcasting for the purposes of this ritual. SpiritsGeneralSpirits share a specific link with their summoner and will not accept requests from other people unless specifically ordered by the summoner, which uses up a service. If so ordered, a spirit will follow the original instructions of the summoner, which does not necessarily mean it will obey specific commands from the person it was ordered to assist. Commanding a spirit, or group of spirits, is a Simple Action. Long-Term Binding and Fettering are not allowed for use by player characters. Unconscious SummonersWhen a summoner is rendered unconscious (but not asleep):
Aid ActionsA character can only benefit from a single Aid Alchemy, Sorcery, or Study service on a single magical action. Spirit CategoriesIgnore the sentence on SG41 stating that assigning tasks to a spirit which are outside their area of specialization for the summoner's tradition will fail. These categories do not limit the ability of spirits to use their own inherent powers. The restrictions detailed on CRB302 under Aid Alchemy, Sorcery, and Study remain in force. Necro SpiritsNecro Spirits are not subject to service rules (unless conjured with the Reckless Necro Summoning Metamagic), and cannot perform Bound Spirit Services. Because they are not subject to service rules, they are also not subject to service quantity limits, or the Remote Service departure clause (CRB 302). The Reckless Necro Conjuring metamagic allows Necro Mages to summon Necro Spirits using the normal rules for summoning spirits, where they would be bound by services owed and subject to the same rules, with the additional caveats listed in the text for the metamagic. Spirits summoned by the Necro Summoning ritual have a Spirit-Summoner link, and may be banished similarly to an Unbound Spirit. Necro Spirits oppose the banishing test with their Force, and every net hit on the Banishing test reduces the number of net hits on the sealing step of the Necro Summoning ritual by one, shortening the duration of service for the Necro Spirit. If the remaining duration of the Spirit’s service is reduced to 0, the spirit departs. Necro spirits count as their associated spirit (corpse spirits count as spirits of man etc) for the purpose of qualifying for initiations such as necromancy (which requires being able to summon spirits of man). Elemental Attack and Energy Aura Damage TypeFor spirits with the Elemental Attack or Energy Aura powers, the summoner can choose which elemental damage effect these powers have at the time of summoning. If the spirit has both the Elemental Attack and Energy Aura powers, the chosen elemental damage effect must be the same for both powers. While it is possible to summon a spirit with an Elemental Attack or Energy Aura that's opposed to its own element (e.g. a spirit of water with a fire elemental attack), this can result in a very unhappy spirit. Individual GMs are encouraged to determine if and how this discontent is expressed. Energy Aura (Radiation)Energy Aura (Radiation) also does Possession SpiritsA possessed (or channeling) magician may not project out of their body until the spirit stops using them as a vessel. Spirits with the Possession power summoned by a magician may not possess a Sapient Living Vessel unless it is a Prepared Vessel, or the target is willing. Hermetic ElementalsHermetic Elementals are loyal to a fault and do not to take their summoner's Astral Reputation into account when being Summoned, Bound, Banished, or engaged in Social Tests. Ally SpiritsInhabitation SpiritsFor these kinds of spirit, the Essence of the spirit and the vessel are separate. The spirit’s Essence and magical abilities are not diminished by any cyberware the vessel possesses. However, the vessel’s Essence must remain above 0, and the vessel must follow the regular rules for metahuman Essence. Player Ally Spirits may not be Inhabitation Spirits. Aid AlchemyAlly Spirits may perform the Aid Alchemy service just as they perform Aid Sorcery/Study - they are considered valid spirits for every spell category. Testing the LeashOn the first action per service, a spirit may Test the Leash. It can continue to attempt to gain its freedom as long as it meets the criteria to Test the Leash and wins the opposed check against the summoner. If either criterion is not met, the spirit will not Test the Leash for the remainder of the service. Ally Spirits do not Test the Leash. Wild/Spirit Index/ReputationWild Index/Reputation, as well as Spirit Index/Astral Reputation (Street Grimoire), is in effect. Please ensure this is tracked on applicable character sheets. Dedicated Conjuror/ChainbreakerThe new spirit types earned from Chainbreaker/Dedicated Conjurer are limited to summoning only those spirits that are available to traditions that players are allowed to take. Spirit & Critter PowersEndowmentEndowment cannot grant Possession, Materialization, or Great Form powers. Energy AuraMultiple instances of the Energy Aura power on a critter only provide extra elemental effects, and do not increase the Damage/AP granted. Elemental Aura and Engulf Damage do not stack. A creature Engulfed does not take Elemental Aura damage and only takes Engulf Damage. EngulfWhen a Guidance or Plant spirit uses the engulf power apply the following effects: Guidance: The victim is wracked by nightmares, visions, and madness, suffering Stun damage. The damage is resisted with Willpower + Charisma instead of Body, and armor is ignored. Plant: The victim is entwined in vines, branches, or thorns, suffering Stun damage. Furthermore, the secondary effects listed in the Engulf power are only available to spirits of the corresponding elements (fire to fire spirits and so on). ImmunityThis power works exactly as Hardened Armor against the specified type of damage. Therefore, add the emphasized parts to the below excerpt from the description of the Immunity power: This means that if the modified Damage Value of the attack does not exceed the Immunity’s rating (modified by AP), then the attack automatically does no damage. If the modified DV exceeds the Immunity rating (modified by AP), perform a Damage Resistance test as normal, adding the Immunity rating (modified by AP) to the dice pool for this test. Additionally, half (rounded up) of the Immunity rating (modified by AP) counts as automatic hits on this test.
Immunity to Normal Weapons only acts as Armor (not Hardened Armor) against melee attacks, whether armed or unarmed. Natural Weapon (Beast Spirits)The natural weapon power listed for Beast Spirits has DV of F+4, AP -. Skill PowerWhen Channeling, the Skill power has the Sustained duration when borrowing the power for a service. Adept PowersCharacters may take adept powers with multiple options, such as Improved Physical Attribute, multiple times for different selections, unless explicitly disallowed. Adept AccidentThis power can only be used on living things with an astral presence. This power is treated as a critter power, so Counterspelling is not effective as a defense against the power. The power itself cannot be noticed since it is not spellcasting, though the adept touching the intended target may very well be noticeable. Body SculptEach change takes ten minutes to complete. Elemental StrikeElemental Strike adds the chosen elemental effect (cold, electricity, fire, etc.) to the character’s Unarmed Attack. It does not increase the Damage Value of the attack. Elemental WeaponElemental Weapon adds the chosen elemental effect (cold, electricity, fire, etc.) to attacks with the character’s weapon focus. It does not increase the Damage Value of the attack. Focused ArcheryThis power only applies drain once per turn regardless of how many times you fire a bow during that combat turn. Improved SenseThis adept power cannot be used with variable rating sensory enhancements. KiaiActivating this power requires a Simple Action and does not affect the adept using it. This power is treated as a critter power, so counterspelling is not effective as a defense against the power. Using Kiai is obvious, and very likely to be noticed. KinesicsAdepts with this power may chose for it to not apply to resisting Assensing tests. This must be done before any defense test is rolled. The GM may decide that Kinesics affects other attempts to judge the character's truthfulness (e.g. using the Analyze Truth spell), and how it affects them. Magic SenseTo use this power the adept must first make a (Perception + Magic [Mental]) test. The threshold for this test is half the Force of whatever the adept is trying to detect, rounded up. The adept can use this power to detect the presence of foci (active and inactive), spells, wards, magical lodges, alchemical preparations, active rituals and spirits within range, but not awakened characters, critters, astral signatures, previously expired or triggered alchemical preparations, or the effects of permanent spells once they have become permanent. Melanin ControlThis power also affords adepts the ability to control the color of their iris (but not retina). MimicThe adept must spend 1 second in physical contact with the target, with each second increasing the quality of the copy. The copies of the prints last for Missile MasteryMissile Mastery uses Throwing Knife ranges when used with Improvised Throwing Weapons. Mystic AptitudePower foci do not increase your Magic rating for the purposes of this power, nor does worn Grey Mana negatively effect it. Nerve StrikeThis power may only be used with an Unarmed Combat attack. It does not function with a melee weapon of any sort, including those that use the Unarmed Combat skill. Nimble FingersNimble Fingers may also apply to nocking arrows. The Reload Firearm Complex Action is also reduced to a Simple Action with the power. OsmosisThe adept must spend 1 second in physical contact with the target, with each second increasing the quality of the copy. The replication lasts for Rapid DrawRapid Draw may only be used to make attacks during the character's action phase. State of PurityMagician's Way does not reduce the cost of this power. While using the "State of Purity" adept power you may receive other bonuses to your unarmed DV. You may consider the section of that quality which reads: "but no additional DV may be added" to be removed on the Hub. Supernatural ProwessPower foci do not increase your Magic rating for the purposes of this power, nor does worn Grey Mana negatively effect it. FociAddictionA test for Foci Addiction, using the Drug and Addictive Substances rules, occurs whenever a focus is activated which causes the summed Force of active foci to exceed a character's Magic, even if this summed Force already exceeds the Magic rating. Focus Addition is always Psychological in nature. Crafting FociIn the process of making a focus, the final force of the focus can not exceed the formula used to craft it, regardless of limit modifications. Power FociPower Foci add their Rating as a dice pool bonus to all tests that include the Magic attribute. They do not increase the Magic rating for other purposes, such as maximum spell Force, determining Drain type (Stun or Physical), etc. Tattoo FociAny focus may be bought as a tattoo, using the normal focus costs. However, these foci are permanent magical markings on the character’s body that cannot be hidden. They may be turned off, but still appear in the Astral plane as magical foci. As a result, they can make the owner very conspicuous, since the foci cannot just be left at home or locked up when the owner needs to be inconspicuous. Upgrading FociFoci can be upgraded to a higher Force. Doing so requires success on a regular Availability roll for the focus at the new Force, then a payment of the price difference between the old and new Force, and a payment of the difference in Karma between the costs of bonding the focus at the old and new Force. The delivery time for the new focus is the same as if buying a new focus at the same Force, and the time to re-bind the upgraded focus is equal to the new Force of the focus in hours. Weapon FociCyberimplant Weapon Foci are allowed, but may not be upgraded using the Foci or Cyberware upgrade rules, they must be replaced and re-bound outright. When selling a previously implanted weapon focus, the item must be fenced, with the base price determined by the combined cost of the cyberware, calculated as used, and the focus. They are hidden from visual detection like regular implant weaponry, but are still obvious to astral perception without the use of Masking. Bio-Weaponry cannot be made into weapon foci. Background Counts (BGC)RunnerHub does not use Street Grimoire's rules for when environmental background counts are present, or how strong they would be. This is left to GMs to implement on their runs as appropriate. All other rules regarding background counts from the official material are used as written. Background counts impose a negative dice pool penalty on any action made while dual natured or purely astral, or on any test made using magic(such as tests affected by magical buffs, tests using magical powers, or tests using Magical Active skills other than Arcana) Mentor SpiritsCapricornCapricorn climbs the mountain and defies the abyss. A master of decision and steadfastness. There is no time to delay decisions.
Similar archetypes: Determination, Aries DeathPlague Cloud is not an option for Adepts. DolphinThe -2 penalty applies to tests involving Magic (much like a background count). Atonement for Dolphin requires a donation of time (karma) or money (nuyen) of around 5 GMP (GMs may increase or decrease this according to the severity of the transgression). Eurasian JayBanned. FoxSmart, cocky and deceptive, making fun of dumber people and taunting them.
Similar archetypes: Odysseus, Robin Hood HeinzelmännchenA race of tiny creatures connected to a tale about the city of Cologne, in the Rhein-Ruhr-Megaplex. They are a friend of humans and help them in their every-day labor, day or night, working diligently at all times. Computers are weird to them, however.
Similar archetypes: House Spirit, Helping Hand Holy TextBanned. HorseHorse's metamagic can be selected for an initiation reward, like any other metamagic. GroundhogGroundhogs understand the importance of familial and friendly ties and believe in strength in numbers. Not fighters by nature, they are constantly on the lookout for danger and escape routes.
Similar archetypes: Prairie Dog PigThe pig is seen as a hedonist amongst mentor spirits, being sociable and fun-loving. From their rather big stature it is apparent that they avoid stress and generally calm, rather enjoying the nicer things in life.
Similar archetypes: Connoisseur, Bacchus Planar EntityBanned. RavenAdept Power bonus is a choice between Traceless Walk or 1 Level of Voice Control SealSeals are driven by yearning and curiosity, explorers by heart. Often seen as a symbol of introspection. Likes humans and being close to them.
Similar archetypes: Mirror Worlds, Nymph SpiderAdepts only get 1 rank of Spirit Claw. SquirrelGood climbers, vulnerable on the floor, love elevated positions.
Similar Archetypes: Ratatosk, Whirlwind TatzelwurmThe Tatzelwurm mentor spirit from the German translation of Street Grimoire is allowed for use on the RunnerHub. Magicians who follow Tatzelwurm are short-tempered, impatient and think of violence in many cases the right solution. Followers of Tatzelwurm often live alone and withdrawn near mountains or underground, where they feel more comfortable than anywhere else.
TidesThe tides are a continuous force, in constant change, steadfast and persistent.
Similar archetypes: Change. Glacier Tohu Wa-BohuThis mentor spirit is not allowed for use by player characters on RunnerHub. WhaleAtonement for Whale requires a donation of time (karma) or money (nuyen) of around 5 GMP (GMs may increase or decrease this according to the severity of the transgression). Characters which need to make atonement to Whale cannot raise their Magic until they atone. Wild HuntAn old legend of the Wild Hunt tells of a wild, mounted hunting society of spirits who in life were sinners and blasphemers. Now they do penance by striking down the enemies of the gods. The Wild Hunt is a dark mentor spirit; only its self-conception of an executioner of higher powers separates it from (toxic) concepts like vengeance or destruction. Often seen in members of biker gangs.
Similar archetypes: Valkyrie, White Horseman InitiationThe Karma cost to initiate is The test to initiate is an extended Alternatively, the character can bypass this test by going on a solo Initiation run. In this case, the character gains the new Initiate Grade upon successful completion of the run. The character then must wait 30 days to Initiate again. Mechanics aside, solo Initiation runs are also a great way to do some character development. Schools of MagicMagicians and mystic adepts can Initiate into a school of magic, allowing them to obtain its special rituals, metamagics and enchantments. Initiating into a school, unsurprisingly, requires the magician to dedicate an Initiation to the chosen school. For most schools, this means picking the prerequisite metamagic for that school as the metamagic for that initiation. Characters can then gain further metamagics within that school on subsequent initiations. Some arts such as Geomancy and Necromancy have no metamagics. When initiating into those arts, a character may take a metamagic from a different art providing they have previously initiated into the art in question. Arts such as Advanced Alchemy, Advanced Ritual Spellcasting and Advanced Spellcasting list several metamagics with no prerequisite metamagic. In these cases, the character initiates into the school by choosing any of the metamagics within that school for their initiation. A character that Initiates into the Divination school may take the Danger Sense metamagic, provided they pay the additional 5 Karma to pick up the Augury and Sortilege Rituals. Adept WaysPhysical Adepts(non Mystic Adepts) must follow an Adept way to purchase metamagics, rituals and enhancements. However, adepts can always choose metamagics, rituals and enhancements from the Undecided Way, even if they are already following another way or not following any Way at all. Adept Ways cost 20 karma postgen. This is retroactive - anyone who purchased an Adept Way for 40 Karma before 28 June 2017 is entitled to a refund of 20 karma. The Beast's WayAdepts following The Beast's Way gain the benefits and drawbacks of following an animal totem. This effectively means they receive the Mentor Spirit quality for free (i.e. at no additional Karma cost) when purchasing the Beast's Way quality. As such, followers of The Beast's Way can't take a separate Mentor Spirit outside of the one provided by the quality itself. Mystic adepts must pick either the listed Magician or Adept advantage as usual. The Street Grimoire Errata Sheet takes precedence over the Second Printing; Beast’s Way does not allow the adept to discount a power not listed in its text. The chosen Mentor Spirit must be an animal totem (e.g. Bear, Cat, Rat, etc.) and will have to be approved by either CCD (during character creation) or TD (after character creation). If a character is purchasing The Beast's Way and already has a fitting mentor spirit, the Karma cost of the way is discounted by the cost of the Mentor Spirit quality (i.e. down to 15 Karma). If a character wants to purchase The Beast's Way and already has a non-animal Mentor Spirit, they first need to remove the old mentor spirit as if it were a Negative quality, as outlined in the description of the Mentor Spirit quality. The Speaker's WayThe +1 dicepool is added to tests made for rituals, metamagics, and techniques in both the Masking and Flexible Signature Arts found in red sidebars on Pg 149 Street Grimoire. The Spiritual WayAdepts following The Spiritual Way gain the benefits and drawbacks of following a spiritual mentor spirit. This effectively means they receive the Mentor Spirit quality for free (i.e. at no additional Karma cost) when purchasing the Spiritual Way quality. As such, followers of The Spiritual Way can't take a separate mentor spirit outside of the one provided by the quality itself. Mystic adepts must pick either the listed Magician or Adept advantage as usual. The chosen Mentor Spirit must be of spiritual nature (e.g. Dragonslayer, Fire-Bringer, Mountain, etc.) and will have to be approved by either CCD (during character creation) or TD (after character creation). If a character is purchasing The Spiritual Way and already has a fitting Mentor Spirit, the Karma cost of the way is discounted by the cost of the Mentor Spirit quality (i.e. down to 15 Karma) If a character wants to purchase The Spiritual Way and already has a non-spiritual Mentor Spirit, they first need to remove the old Mentor Spirit as if it were a Negative quality, as outlined in the description of the Mentor Spirit quality. MetamagicsAdvanced AlchemyFixation is not a prerequisite to take the Advanced Alchemy metamagic. Astral BluffAstral Bluff is treated as a metamagic, and as such can be acquired through Initiation. ChannelingReplacement of Mental Attributes while channeling is capped to the Magician's original Augmented Maximum, and Special Attributes are unaffected. If the character cedes control of their body to the spirit as a service, the spirit's Mental and Special attributes are used as normal. As an example, a summoner with 6 Magic and 5 Logic channeling a Force 10 spirit will have 6 Magic, and 9 Logic while in control of their body. If the character cedes control as a service, the spirit's 10 Magic and 10 Logic will be used. If the same character channeled a Force 8 spirit, they would still have 6 Magic, and only 8 Logic. ExorcismThe exorcism metamagic does not provide a general bonus of Willpower to all banishing tests. It does allow the magician to use a Banishing skill test (Banishing + Magic) for Exorcism in lieu of Charisma + Willpower, and add their Willpower to that Banishing test. Flexible SignatureThe reference in Flexible Signature to changing the appearance of your Aura on page 325 of the core rulebook (pg 325 CRB) should refer to your Astral Signature. This metamagic has no impact on the appearance of the initiate's Aura or Astral Form. Harmonious Defense/ReflectionBanned. InfusionThe damage inflicted by this metamagic is unresisted stun damage, not drain. Noble SacrificeBanned. Paradigm ShiftCharacters who take the Paradigm Shift metamagic no longer benefit from their current Lodge, and their reagents will be out-of-tradition and unusable. Fetishes, Learned Spell Formulae, Foci, Bound Spirits (including Ally Spirits) and other magical equipment will remain usable. Qi SculptThe damage inflicted by this metamagic is unresisted stun damage, not drain. QuickeningQuickening a spell requires rolling for the effects. If this is done during downtime, Edge may not be spent. Spirit Expansion - ShedimBanned. Astral ProjectionAs per the rules on astral projection, anything done to an astrally projecting mage's body also applies to the spirit. This includes health spells, damage/death, drugs, augmentations, etc. Astral CombatAgainst wholly astral entities (e.g. non-materialized spirits or projecting magicians), characters attack with the Astral Combat skill and their Mental Attributes as per the "Astral Combat" rules on CRB315, regardless of if they are unarmed or using a weapon focus. The only exceptions are characters that have the Natural Weapon (Melee) Critter Power and are dual-natured, or adepts with the Killing Hands Adept Power. In both of those cases, the character uses the Unarmed Combat skill and their Physical Attributes for their attack rolls and damage calculations. Be aware that in astral combat, characters soak damage with Willpower instead of Body. The only forms of armor that apply in astral combat are the Mystic Armor Adept Power and the Astral Armor spell. Astral combat follows the procedures for Combat Resolution on p. 172-173, SR5, with the noted substitutions (e.g. Dodge uses Gymnastics, blocking uses Astral Combat, Full Defense uses Willpower, qualities that substitute other things for Willpower work as normal with the exception of Agile Defender which substitutes Logic because it is a character’s Agility in the Astral plane. Adept powers are generally physical in nature and do not apply to astral combat unless otherwise specified (e.g. Killing Hands, Mystic Armor, Cloak). When using Killing Hands against astral entities, the adept uses Unarmed Combat instead of Astral Combat, Physical limit instead of Astral limit, and Strength instead of Charisma for their Astral Combat DV. Martial arts do not apply in Astral Combat per the sidebar on p.140 on Run & Gun. In fact, they may not even apply to spirits that have manifested, depending on how they manifest! No single martial art style deals directly with fighting spirits, except Neijia, which is always effective. Spirits soak damage in astral combat, and from Neijia, with Willpower x 1 (which in all cases is Force), not Force x 2. For physical combat, the Materialization power gives spirits immunity to normal weapons, which means they have Hardened Armor equal to (Force x 2) against attacks that are not somehow magical or composed of their 'allergy' (such as a fire spirit's allergy to water), which means they ignore attacks where [(Base DV + net hits) < Force x 2 – AP], and they get (Force) automatic hits on the soak roll even if it does exceed their hardened armor rating – but only against physical attacks while materialized. SURGE Quality Natural WeaponsWeapons gained from SURGE qualities (such as fangs or claws) count as natural weapons and may be used in astral combat as such. TraditionsArmanenBanned. Black Magic (Alt)Banned. Buddhist (Alt)Banned. Christian Theurgy (Vigilia Evangelica)Banned. Christian Theurgy (Westphalian Theurgists)Banned. CosmicCosmic mages may take the Oracle mentor spirit as a stand in for Star. DianismBanned. DraconicBanned. Elder GodBanned. Frisian MagicThe tradition from the German 5th edition book State of the Art: ADL is legal for use on the Hub. Islamic AlchemistIslamic Alchemists are not required to take Quickening and Anchoring. They must still take Fixation and then Advanced Alchemy as their first two metamagics. All other requirements and restrictions remain unchanged. Islamic (Licit Qur’anic Mage)Banned. MissionistThe Grade 3 Initiation is not required. NecromanticDue to their complexity, major mechanical differences from other magical traditions, and thematic oddities, characters who take the Necromantic Magic tradition are counted as Special Characters. For more on Special Characters, please see the section regarding them in the Chargen Rules. Norse (Alt)If a character chooses the Norse Godi / Runemaster optional rule (FA 68), they receive the Durable Preparations quality for free. This does not stack with any other source of Durable Preparations. Path of PariahThe Drain stat for this tradition is [Logic + Willpower]. At Initiate Grade 2, the Reflection must be taken. Planar
PsionicThe character must not have a mentor spirit to be a part of the Psionic tradition. Roma and Street NomadsThe tradition from the German 5th edition book State of the Art: ADL is legal for use on the Hub. RomaniBanned. Svetovid/Svetoid/SvetoismThe tradition from the German 5th edition book State of the Art: ADL is legal for use on the Hub. Traditional/Hedge WitchcraftThe Traditional/Hedge Witchcraft tradition from the 4th edition book Street Magic is legal on the hub. Troll ShamanismThe tradition from the German 5th edition book State of the Art: ADL is legal for use on the Hub. Temporary LodgesThe time required to construct a temporary lodge is (Force x 10 minutes) Misc. Magic RulesMystic Adepts do not get Astral Perception for free as noted in the Forbidden Arcana rulebook. This is an official CGL typo. Mystic Adepts may choose which magical skill group (Conjuring, Enchanting, or Sorcery) to lose at gen, and must mark which one in their post to /r/hubchargen. Numinous Perception’s range is ultimately GM fiat. The only information anyone passing it gets is "magic of some sort happened nearby". This can include, but not be limited to: Spirits doing things, a spell being cast, Adept with Mentor’s Mask using an active power, or a ritual being performed. Dispelling is a complex action. When moving sustained AoE spells, the spell vanishes from it's origin point and reappears at it's destination. Spells may not be moved to a location that would cause an Astral Intersection. Activating Alchemical Preparations
Optional RulesHybrid TraditionsBanned. Mentor's MaskIf taken by a Mystic Adept, the character receives the benefit according to the choice made when they took the Mentor Spirit quality, and the corresponding downside, per Errata. As per Errata, the use of Adept powers only triggers the mask for active powers, not passive powers. Additionally, anyone that could detect the Adept still needs to pass the Numinous Perception test, and the Adept’s sneak test, if they are sneaking. These conditions also apply to Mages using magic. Remember that this is a one-way door. A character can choose to accept the mask but cannot take it off once it is put on. |