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Rules / Drones
DronesDrone RepairsThe vehicle repair rules introduced in Rigger 5.0 (p.29) are not used on RunnerHub. Refer to the rules on repairing gear instead. Drone ModificationsDrones are modified according to the rules on pg121 of Rigger 5. Installing or Removing a modification is always a The modification(s) can be performed by the character, a public drone shop, or through a contact. The initial installation of a modification after purchase can be handled by the seller. Standard UpgradesLegal or Restricted drones with stock Forbidden mods use only the drone's listed availability code. This does not apply to Forbidden modifications (including Forbidden weapons in an otherwise legal mount) made in addition to stock modifications. Attribute UpgradesOne attribute per drone may be increased without spending a mod point, but that attribute cannot be the Body or Pilot attributes. Drone HandlingIf a drone has more than one handling attribute, upgrading Handling upgrades both versions by the same amount. The cost is based on the cost of upgrading the higher value of Handling. Attribute DowngradesA drone can endure a downgrade of any attribute, except the Body and Pilot attributes, to receive a maximum of 1 mod point from the downgrade. Downgrading a drone is a Attribute ModificationsBodyThe Body attribute of a drone may be modified to gain mod points at a rate of 2 mod points per point of Body, with an Availability of three times the base number of mod points gained. These mod points are in addition to any mod points gained through downgrades, and are not subject to the same limit. The Body attribute cannot be lowered below half of the drone’s starting Body, as per pg123 of Rigger 5. ArmorDrone armor follows the same rules as vehicle armor, with one exception in the case of anthrodrones. Drone Weapon MountsA drone must have a base Body attribute of at least 2, before any modifications, to support a weapon mount. As with all other drone modifications, installing a drone mount from Rigger 5 requires following all other rules in Rigger 5. This may result in some drones which were equipped with mounted ARs needing a downgrade to SMGs. Micro weapon mounts are not allowed. Anthro drones are the only drone type which can use melee weapons with a reach greater than 0. Carbines (from Street Lethal) require a Large or better weapon mount. Ranged Exotic weapons require Large or better weapon mounts, except for Lasers which require a Huge or Heavy weapon mount. Melee Exotic weapons with reach 0 may go on mini weapon mounts. The MCT-Nissan Rotodrone has 3 extra mod points to spend only on weapon mounts & mount options.
Other ModificationsModifications in this category may need to be checked by a GM to see whether they are suitable for the drone in question. In unclear situations the GM should ask RD or TD for assistance. Vehicle Modifications and EnhancementsPer the Missions errata as codified into RunnerHub House Rules, the Vehicle modifications and enhancements listed below may be installed on a drone. Drones have available slots for each category of Vehicle modifications (Powertrain, Electromagnetic, etc.) equal to the Mod Points remaining after any drone-specific modifications have been applied.
Software ModificationsPilotsPilot programs may be upgraded after character creation to a higher rating by paying the difference in cost between the old and new ratings. The character must still succeed on a standard Availability roll as if they were purchasing the new Pilot rating outright, and installing the upgrade requires a AmphibiousThis modification does not grant movement on/in water. Adding the Amphibious Secondary Propulsion System from p156 of Rigger 5 is highly recommended. Realistic FeaturesAll drones may take Realistic Features at Rating 1 only, except drones listed below.
Single-Shot GrenadeStraps a suicide grenade in a non-obvious fashion to your drone. Drone SoftwareAnthrodrones Holding WeaponsTargeting Autosofts used by Anthrodrones also apply when holding weapons that match the autosoft's type, providing ranks in the equivalent weapon skill as they normally would for Gunnery. AutosoftsA drone may run any rating of autosoft, regardless of its Pilot rating. Autosofts without a Cyberprograms on DronesDrones may run all cyberprograms, but may not run Agents. Drones, like RCCs, universally lack Attack and Sleaze ratings, so they cannot make effective use of most hacking programs. Cyberprograms running on a drone use up the same slots as autosofts. This means the maximum number of autosofts and cyberprograms combined running on a drone is equal to its Device rating / 2. Customization Software (Personality, Linguistics)The Personality and Linguistics customization software for drones (p.127f, Rigger 5.0) does not use up any program/autosoft slots of a drone. Drone SizesThe size ranges for drones listed below can be used as a general guideline to judge a drone's size. They are not binding, for example if a drone's description offers a differing size, that description takes precedence over the size ranges below. Generally, the GM should decide whether a drone is large or small enough to have a significant effect in a specific situation.
Anthropomorphic DronesWhen an Anthrodrone is specifically using the arms or legs in a test (Shooting a gun, Using a Crowbar, etc) those tests use the Drone Limb's attributes. Base Agility of a Drone Limb is equal to Pilot. Base Strength of a Drone Limb is equal to Body. This is for all tests the drone does specifically with those Drone Limbs regardless of control method (Dogbrain, Remote, and Rigged in). Anthrodrones use autosofts when operating autonomously. When controlled it uses the skills of the person controlling it. Using weapons this way uses the appropriate weapon skill (or autosoft) and not Gunnery. Rigger bonuses still apply to skill tests using the anthrodrone when jumped in. Anthro Drones are still drones, and thus still benefit from the effects of vehicle armor, though they may wear any humanoid armor - except in the case of the NeoNet Juggernaut, which may not wear humanoid armor. Taking Damage With Humanoid ArmorWhen anthrodrones take damage, if the damage (before soak, but after AP) exceeds the Vehicle Armor, the drone must roll soak, with any damage unsoaked transmitting to their Physical condition monitor. Any damage that would normally always be Stun damage, with the exception of Electrical damage, is ignored. AP reduces worn humanoid Armor until humanoid Armor and Vehicle Armor are the same value, at which point it begins to reduce both values. The drone's Strength for the purposes of determining Armor add-on encumbrance is equal to its Body. In the event that the drone's base Vehicle Armor is higher than the humanoid Armor, the humanoid Armor has no effect. Anthrodrone SizesAnthropomophic drones have the following sizes, which supersede any sizes given in the rulebooks:
Specific DronesAres GarudaThe cluster munitions can be of the same types (and have the same stats) as are available for rockets and missiles (p.435, SR5). Ares KN-Y0The stat block for the Ares KN-Y1 (Phobos) has all values moved a column to the right. It should read as follows:
BiodronesThe Cybertooth is considered milspec and therefore not allowed. The Junkyard Dog, Roachdrone, RECONdor, and SkySpy are allowed. Cyberspace Designs DragonflyTargeting (Melee) Autosoft is R3. F-B BumblebeeThis drone is not permitted for use on RunnerHub. F-B KullThe Kull’s pair of “bomb rack” pods are capable of carrying 50kg each. Festo PigeonThe Festo Pigeon uses the Pilot Aircraft skill. Festo Sewer SnakeThe Festo Sewer Snake uses the Pilot Groundcraft Skill while on land, and the Pilot Watercraft skill when in or on the water. Horizon NoizquitoThe maximum penalty a character may take through Noizquitos is limited to -4, regardless of how many Noizquitos affect them. Jena Robotnik PilaluxBall Drone- (Minidrone)- Pilot Groundcraft An upgraded version of the Horizon Flying Eye, the Pilalux is equipped with a reusable flash-pak. While slightly larger than the original, the upgraded Flash-Pak required the space of the internal thrusters, and so the Pilalux is a ground based model. To compensate for the loss of mobility, the Pilalux was designed with a proprietary Gekko Crawler Belt, an extendable strip of microfeet that carry the drone. Between this upgrade and their slightly increased size compared to the original Flying Eye, these drones can be both placed in position to act as lights and thrown into rooms like grenades, in addition to their own ability to move and engage targets. Alternative Models:--- Standard Equipment: Flash-Pak, Gecko Grips, Searchlight
This drone can be bought as an alternate Ocular Drone cybereye modification option. It costs 7000 nuyen base compared to the base Ocular Drone's cost of 6000 nuyen. Jena Robotnik Tegenaria and AraneusSpy Drone-(Minidrone)- Pilot Walker A competitor to the Kanmushi and Fly-Spy, the Tegenaria has a buglike appearance that hides its many features. In addition to a state of the art microphone and UV and IR sensor suite, it is equipped with the ability to cling to almost any surface, through hooks, adhesives, micro-magnets and static generators hidden under its shell. All of these combine to create one of the highest quality spy drones available on the market. Alternatively, for an additional 2000¥, the Araneus model mounts a working laser capable of industrial sabotage, optically communicate, or possibly even deal some damage if you’re lucky. Alternative Models: Renraku Arac, Horizon Roach Standard Equipment: Gecko Grips, Realistic Appearance 1
The Araneus is Avail:12, Price 5,000¥, and mounts a working small laser. The drone laser is statted as DV 1, AP-10, range of 1m and 5 charges before needing to recharge. Uses Gunnery to fire. If the drone has line of sight to any kind of optical receiver, it can transmit data/communications without needing to be wireless on. Krime RunnerThe Krime Runner is a small drone. Krupp MinionStreet Cleaning Drone-(Medium Drone)- Pilot Groundcraft Almost 20 years old, this robust orange street sweeper is capable of handling everything from yard waste and roadkill to chewing gum and salt residue. Equipped with modular arm mounts to clear storm debris and deadfalls, these drones are connected to control stations via radio to allow for updates on traffic flow and construction. Alternative Models: Renraku Wash-a-away. MCT Cleanup Standard Equipment: Searchlight, Cleaning Tools, Two Primitive Drone Arms
Medusa ExtensionsThese cannot take the Drone Arm modification. However, in the interests of giving them versatility and usability, these drones ignore the House Rule requiring a minimum Body of 2 to install weapon mounts. Owners may install a single Mini Weapon Mount. Secondly, instead of using the drone’s Mod Points in the standard manner, the owner may instead opt to exchange them at a 1:1 ratio for capacity to install standard gear such as the items listed on page 87 of Run & Gun – not including armor modifications. Taking advantage of this ability requires the approval of CCD (at gen) or a GM (in play). Messerschmitt-Kawasaki Grasshopper 2Guard Drone- (Medium Drone)- Pilot Aircraft Originally designed for port security, the Grasshopper series was intended to act as a quick reaction force to interdict, track, pursue, and herd intruders towards security forces, while additional units maintain perimeters. Approximately the size of a small motorcycle, these VTOL units are heavily used by S-K port security. Alternative Models: Renraku LEBD-2, Shiawase Kiesatsu Standard Equipment: Standard Weapons Mount, Smartsoft, Targeting [Mounted weapon] Autosoft Rating 5
The buyer picks the autosoft for the drone to be for the first gun mounted. This is locked in at purchase and cannot be changed later. Messerschmitt- Kawasaki Hugin and MuninSurveillance Drone- (Small Drone)- Pilot Aircraft Named for the one of Odin's ravens, the Hugin was originally designed as a competitor to the Renraku Dove. Unfortunately, market pressures forced it to be released on the open market instead of it’s original purpose, so this hawk sized animorphic drone is now used primarily as a camera drone or for realistic wildlife footage. Discerning purchasers will instead choose its twin the Munin, or Memory, which is the same drone with a high-fidelity poly-fletching coating, mimicking a real raven with stunning realism and detail. Alternative Models: Renraku Dove Standard Equipment: --
The Munin is Price 8500¥, and has Realistic Features 4 Messerschmitt-Kawasaki Hunting CricketTracking Drone- (Large Drone)- Pilot Aircraft The bigger, meaner brother of the Grasshopper series, the Hunting Cricket is a drone specialized in tracking and eliminating threats from range. Primarily designed to cover large areas of extraterritorial land, the Hunting Cricket prioritized speed of response in addition to heavy firepower. Alternative Models: Renraku Millan, Ares Skymarshal Standard Equipment: ECM Rating 3, Ammunition Bin, Large Weapons Mount, Clearsight Autosoft Rating 4, Targeting [Mounted weapon] Autosoft Rating 4
The buyer picks the autosoft for the drone to be for the first gun mounted. This is locked in at purchase and cannot be changed later. Messerschmitt-Kawasaki Hunting DogTracking Drone- (Large Drone)- Pilot Groundcraft Essentially a motorcycle with weapon mounts, the Hunting Dog is lethal combination of engine, weapons, and armor that can run down most vehicles and anyone on foot with results dictated by the choice of armament in it’s mounts. Alternative Models: MCT Crash, Renraku Renegade Standard Equipment: Small Weapons Mount, Large weapon mount, Clearsight 3, Targeting [Mounted weapon] Autosofts Rating 3
The buyer picks the autosoft for the drone to be for the first gun mounted. This is locked in at purchase and cannot be changed later. Messerschmitt-Kawasaki LibelleSurveillance Drone- (Small Drone)- Pilot Aircraft This collapsible tricopter camera drone can fit into a small suitcase when disassembled. With its professional grade camera and good handling, this drone is a common sight with media companies and anyone needing good camera work. While supposedly there are additional weapons packages available, these cannot currently be sourced on the open market, so the drone is relatively limited for aftermarket modifications. Alternative Models: Horizon CamFly, Renraku Martin Standard Equipment: Assembly/Disassembly
Mitsuhama AkiyamaSince this is an assassin drone styled to look like a young child, there is a lot of potential for usage that is simply inappropriate in a large, shared community such as RunnerHub. Therefore, TD reserves the right to retroactively deny any purchases of this item in cases of such inappropriate usage. Mitsuhama FED-11Surveillance Drone- (Large Drone)- Pilot Aircraft Designated the Floating Eye Drone Series 11, the FED-11 is primarily designed for long term traffic monitoring over large areas. A lighter than air design, the FED can float near the limits of visual range and track perpetrators and accidents with great success due to it’s above average sensor suite. Alternative Models: Proteus Herring Gull, Nissan SkyEye Standard Equipment: SkyGuide, Solar Cells, Searchlight, Clearsight Autosoft Rating 5
Mitsuhama HonsonRescue Drone (Anthropomorphic Drone, Large) - Pilot Walker Developed to replace long response times due to fire department budget cuts, the Honson is a highway emergency response drone capable of simple repairs, firefighting, rescue work, and suspect apprehension. Equipped with tools for these jobs, the Honson is usually deployed in secure boxes along highways for rapid response to collisions and illegal activity. Alternative Models: Ares Watcher Standard Equipment: Special Equipment (Release Tool, Fire Extinguisher, Handcuffs, Miniwelder, Jaws Of Life), Touch Sensors, Mini Weapons Mount(Yamaha Pulsar with 4 Taser Darts), First Aid Autosoft Rating 3, Mechanic Autosoft Rating 3, Built-In Utility Kit (Mechanics), Built-In Medkit (Rating 6), Fire Resistance 5
Proteus KrakeThe Krake’s torpedo launcher is an integral weapon with 3 accuracy and uses the integral weapon mount. The launcher uses Missile Launcher range bands and has a 3(ml) magazine Renraku Scuttler Remote CyberhandThe cyberhand is subject to all standard cyberware grade modifiers This drone cannot take modifications
At purchase, choose if it is obvious or synthetic Standard Upgrades:
Note: Due to its compact design, this drone cannot receive any drone up- or downgrades. Ruhrmetall MurmilloRiot Control Drone- (Medium Drone)- Pilot Groundcraft Built primarily as a crowd control and riot prevention, this drone has two integrated shields that it can deploy to protect people and vehicles. Approximately chest high, it is well armored and capable of functioning as mobile cover for combat or police personnel. Alternative Models: Shiawase Domarus, Ares Walking Wall Standard Equipment: Standard Weapons Mount, Flash-Pak (200 Charges), 2 Shields
Ruhrmetall ScarabTracking Drone- (Small Drone)- Pilot Groundcraft Primarily a police and security drone, the Scarab is a monowheeled drone the size of a small trash can. Highly maneuverable, the Scarab is capable of exterior and interior guard duties, provided the buildings it guards do not include barriers like doors or stairs. Capable of outpacing many slower vehicles, the drone is able to hunt down intruders as well as acting as a mobile sentry and security camera all rolled into one package. Alternative Models: Espirit Industries Ch4ser, BMW Concept-Q Standard Equipment: Small Weapons Mount, Smartsoft, Targeting [Mounted weapon] Autosoft Rating 3
The buyer picks the autosoft for the drone to be for the first gun mounted. This is locked in at purchase and cannot be changed later. Ruhrmetall Wolfspider 8V2Watch Drone (Large Drone)- Pilot Walker Preying on the human fear of spiders, the 8V2 is a huge, metallic beast with eight legs, heavy armor, and two massive weapon mounts. Heavily armored and exceptionally well armed, this new drone from Ruhrmetall might be controversial, but it is highly effective. Alternative Models: Renraku Tsuchigumo Standard Equipment: Gecko Grips, 2 Large Weapon Mounts each mounting a Vindicator Minigun, Smartsoft, Targeting [Vindicator Minigun] Autosoft Rating 5
Note: The Vindicator miniguns are specially built for installation in the Wolf Spider, and thus take the above mounts on the Wolf Spider as opposed to their usually required mounts. Schiebel Robotic Cru5t Mark IICanal Drone- (Small Drone)- Exotic Vehicle Skill (Schiebel Robotic Cru5t Mark II) A highly specialized underwater maintenance and cleaning drone, the Cru5t Mark II is capable of servicing pipes both round and rectangular between 114mm and 300mm in diameter. Equipped with a smart tech fluid sealing collar, the Cru5t Mark II can block any pipe in these diameters to stop leaks or to provide a dry workspace for itself. In larger pipes, it is forced to work underwater, using its inbuilt drill head to clear clogs and sediment. Sealed for sewage work, the drone is submersible up to depths of 15m and capable of climbing even vertical pipes. Alternative Models: Festo Sewer Snake, Saeder-Krupp Pipeliner RX Standard Equipment: Gecko Grip, Searchlight
The Schiebel Robotic Cru5t Mark II uses the Pilot Groundcraft Skill while on land, and the Pilot Watercraft skill when in or on the water. Siemens FWD ScreamerThis drone is not permitted for use on RunnerHub. Smart Firing PlatformsThe stat block for Smart Firing Platforms is as follows:
Smart Firing Platforms cannot be modified like drones or vehicles. |